Pig, corpse, hot chick, Jew.

37  2018-02-16 by the_opester


Of course they're all friends. Why the fuck wouldn't they be.

I don't think these people are capable of having actual friendships. Way too phony and self-absorbed.

so Pete Davidson wasn't there?

Too busy getting high and taking pics of it

fawwwwk thats the coolest way to puff cheeba

I know when I take gummy vitamins I get fawkin zooted!

fawkin almost odeed on that shit cuz


Also, a whale singing.

That dude must have the longest arms ever to be able to wrap them around that pig. Also I fucking hate that fate ugly singer she lugs around with her.

She looks like a slim Amy Schumer

Looks like the next star of Compound Karaoke.

Look at the size of that fucking back.

When Amy was coming in this business, these gals were there for her.

I'd give the Jew a good anal rogering.

which one?


chelsea handler is supposedly 42.

no fucking way that's a bitch in her 60s

She’s ancient

I thought that was Judi Dench.

Each ring of neck fat is 20 years

Women expire at 30

Fuck... You're right.

They litterally can't have children anymore after 35-45 and people (older broads like whitney cummings) still come up with bullshit like you're not supposed to date women under 25. If you're dating an 18 year old you have given nature 4 years more than it needed to create a child. If you're one of those evolution believing fellas what do you think men are gonna be drawn to?

I noticed this and also the men that for some reason agree. You'll see some rich 60 year old guy dating a 25 year old and both women and men will say it's "gross." Women more than men, obviously. They try to say it has some sort of incestuous root cause or it's fucked up. Yeah, why would an older man want to fuck a tight, naive, smooth 20 something? Yuck. Gross. Ew. He should want to eat the blown out pussies of all these bitter hags with emotional baggage and political haircuts.


She's been 42 since I was 20 and I'm now 36

She must have sold her soul or sumthin

She really does look like a beautiful, well-kept 60 year old

maybe he meant right to left?

In British Arabic you write from right to left.

It's a handsome ass hair style though

she looks like william f buckley

Add me all together and you almost get a 9

Turns out cum doesn’t work on wrinkles Chelsea

Buncha Cunts

Wtf? That's Chelsea Handler?

Call in an airstrike.

Jesus Christ... Is vodka worse than heroin!? Handler is only 42.

She looks worse than Artie

Liberalism is worse than horse.

Too much of the three Ds: dicks drugs and drinking.

Bitch is the epitome of a roaster who hit the wall hard and now lives the life of a sad lonely spinster.

Nice tits, though.

SHE'S 42???


Heroin is a preservative until it kills you

Trump Derangement Syndrome is aging her rapidly.

Handler's looking like her usual haggard cunt self.

They're all (((())))

handler looks like middle age draco malfoy

Nathan For You looking bitch on the far right.

Holy shit, spot on.

Larry David's daughter.

White women age the worse of any race. Asian women age pretty good. So do Latinas and blacks. Indians are ugly from the beginning. And whites look good until about 28.

Asians hit a brick wall after menopause they go from Lucy Liu to Mrs. Swan.

Latina age well? What are you talking about, they go down hill faster than anyone.

There are plenty of white MILFs, Handler is just a miserable old cunt and probably a severe alcoholic.

Latinas go from looking like Selena to looking like the bitch who killed Selena in a short period of time.


Ass goes from awesome to nonexistent and two feet long.

Look at Jennifer Lopez, she is 48. And is still looking real good. Same thing with Sophia Vergara. Here is an article explaining why latinas age so well...https://www.glamour.com/story/why-latina-skin-doesnt-age-as-quickly

Perhaps "Latina's skin ages well" would be more apropos.

I think you are biased because of how fat Mexicans are. But if you go to much of the rest of Latin America, most of them keep their bodies together pretty well.

They all seem to be seriously lacking any melanin, they almost look translucent in that sun…repulsive.

Yes, they're repulsive, but it has nothing to do with their lack of dark skin.

Chelsea handler went from looking 30 to 50 in 5 years

bitch drinks like a fish

I would bang them all. As would more than half of you sodomites

That's not the point

I'd fuckin smash that two on the right.. I don't have much going on.

Who's the cunt on the far right? I want to impregnate her.

Larry David’s daughter.

My nigga Lar put in work.

HAHAHA handler looks 70 next to Jennifer Lawrence

JLaw's buttons are sexily unbuttoned. Time to revisit the fappening....ohhhhh yea.

Two downvotes? So no one around here wants to see miss hunger games butt naked? I do. And if I'm wrong then I don't want to be right!

It's a good thing we all take advice from faggots who reply to their own post. Thanks a ton nigger.

You sound way pissy. I think you should check out some naked Jlaw and beat it. You've earned it.

You should check out some naked Jude Law. Queer.

You go look at that, I'm sure you have it bookmarked.

Is this a Chip impression or are you really that unfunny and stupid?

You: dumb insecure gay aids negro. You are what you hate.

I'm going to enjoy an epic JLaw nudies and Celsea Handles tit pics jerk sesh. Ill look at Amy Schumer to cool off to keep a good edging pace going. Have a good day, O&A sub.

The Jew broad on the right is significantly more attractive than that obscenely overrated JLaw whore.

I dunno dude I think JLaw is pretty stunning. Good at acting, too. Not sure if she’s going to work as a Russian spy, though. mother! was a load of masturbatory hooey but I thought she was terrific in it.

Yeah but have you seen her butthole? At least you can see JLaw’s butthole online.

Your caption is incorrect. The only one close to being hot is the one on the far right and you would need at least 5 beers to come to that conclusion.

Proper j law.

Meanwhile homeless men have photos of her with cum on her face. Lolz.

The pig has horrible tits

It's should read: Jew Pig, Jew Corpse, Hot Bitch who suck Jews off for movie roles and Jew.

Id give the Jew a quick uninspired fucking

Ok, I'm not married to a model myself, but JL is nothing more than average looking even with makeup on. Also, she looks really dumb and that's a real turn-off.


Nice neckbrace on J-Law, anyone think she knows the history behind it? As in, whores in Brittain used to wear it in the 19th century to signal to men that they were ladies of the night.

Kinda fits, since she's a whore.

man schumer really does like horrible here. like i see women who are not attractive at all still like nice, extremely done up on their wedding day


Now I totally understand why she kept showing off her tits the past few years, she's been hitting the snooze on her biological clock.

Jennifer Lawrence is a pretty woman. I would definitely take her to prom.

More like fat jew, dead jew, roastie, really ugly jew.

You mean 3 jews and a hot chick.

Jennifer Lawrence has already begun to decline in looks. What a shame.

The guy second from the left reminds me of a dude who was a few years ahead of me in high school. I always wondered happened to him.

One pig and three average mopes.

Chelsea Handler looks like a White Walker

she wants to be the new joan rivers so bad. whish she just died already

Fuck... You're right.

I dunno dude I think JLaw is pretty stunning. Good at acting, too. Not sure if she’s going to work as a Russian spy, though. mother! was a load of masturbatory hooey but I thought she was terrific in it.

They litterally can't have children anymore after 35-45 and people (older broads like whitney cummings) still come up with bullshit like you're not supposed to date women under 25. If you're dating an 18 year old you have given nature 4 years more than it needed to create a child. If you're one of those evolution believing fellas what do you think men are gonna be drawn to?

Yeah but have you seen her butthole? At least you can see JLaw’s butthole online.