Keith is on it, guys!

62  2018-02-15 by RBuddCumia


6 Month Migration of a stream..

Keith is a top notch project manager!

I really thought they'd been with Zype for less than six months, after switching from their previous crappy provider.

Zype just cant handle the kind of numbers Compound Media is putting up

I honestly read the last word as nigger there

You're so edgy and cool

Wasn't trying to be, hence the word honest there, I guess its the gear my brain shifts into here.


You decided to edit your post to add that second 'vital' sentence. Good for you!

Again with the dyslexia, I didn't edit shit. It shows an asterisk next to the comment when its edited.

No, you did. Can you stop dragging this tedium along?

Only if you stop pretending that you aren't a retarded compound media subscriber.

You are the first person ive blocked, because you are boring AND and idiot!

You are a Joe Cumia doppelganger

Seriously. I’ve done almost every “IT” job there is before I settled in coding and this shit is stupid simple. It’s a stream; worst case just record it. Host it. Don’t worry about live casts from the building until you fix the stream in a week. Which is all it should take. Max.

What actual retards.

You will then know that project managers are also 100% useless, even hindering most projects the engineers are working on then amiright? Lol

15 people on a conference call, 14 useless shitbags on mute making lunch, 1-2 people actually knowing what they are doing or even talking about.

And 8 of those 16 can’t get the conf call to work or understand a mute button. Fuck me. #triggered

I just call them the fuck out now.. "whoever is warming up lunch in the microwave either needs to mute or get off the call if you have nothing to add" had it with these working from home people who can't be professional.

Dogs barking, babies crying, driving in the car.. Etc

Ugh. At my last place I did that. I was there ten years. Got totally jaded. I loved the place until it went to shit with attempts at CQI, AGILE, etc.

I would walk in to a meeting room at the time I had it reserved. If there were people still there I’d just interrupt and start my meeting as if there were there for mine. Fuck you. Get out on time and respect others. And if those in my meetings don’t show on time I start anyway. Sometimes alone and I’d never restart for selfish late jerks.

At my new place I’m still too new to let out my inner asshole. Plus I kind of like it lol.

Vimeo offers live streaming, pay access, and other "professional" features. Stop trying to reinvent the wheel and just host links and embed vimeo windows on your own website. No one knows or cares where this stuff is hosted, if Vimeo goes out, replace them with whoever. Hell, you could even use YouTube unlisted links and just post them as you record and/or go live.

But even better, just mimic other, actually successful podcasts and go for an advertising-revenue based experience or a freemium with extras a free core show+extended interviews for subs.

Yep. Exactly.

Vimeo is ded like Zed.

You can host videos on Youtube now too.

While getting a traffic ticket the cop who pulled me over told me that isn't true. Some 3rd party no one has ever heard of before is the only way.

I’ve done almost every “IT” job there is

Well, I've never heard of you.

"steaming" issues. Well it is a pile of shit.

You can’t cross a stream. Hasn’t anyone seen ghostbusters?

"caused by or service provider"

Move it to YouTube until it's fixed.

This is a genius solution.

Which is why they'd never do it. They would rather keep the show offline and lose subs.

Exactly. I recall Gavin bitching at Keith about not putting up the fight between Pat Dixon and Bonnie and about how that would be great promo material.

Naturally Keith disagreed and said the "word of mouth" of it will attract subscribers. Then they put up a billboard.

This is the only thing that would save them.

Using "w" in an official statement like my 19 year old ex girlfriend.

Well to be fair she was 8 when you broke up.


Your 19 year old ex mad official statments?

Just to the judge

It's a requirement in most states for a restraining order.

They can't afford $1000?

Their most expensive is $2k a month. You can barely get a decent apartment in NYC for $2k a month and yet Compound Media can't afford it.

This is funny but totally wrong. Bandwidth is ridiculously expensive and theres no way thats anywhere near what they paid. Whats true is Zype is a terrible developer

I'm sure they don't buy the bandwidth wholesale and stream from their own servers. The whole point of zype, is to use a specialist. If not, it costs probably $100k a month.

Bandwith in NYC is not that expensive. They are fucking LOS of 60 Hudson ffs. Lol run a strand or 2 of fiber.

internet in nyc is crazy expensive, the infrastructure is old as shit - stop being silly with your los

It's not as expensive as getting fiber from NYC or Philly out to the suburbs where many DC's reside.



Let's put (real) fiber aside.. Relying on (probably) single residential fios service into the studio with zero redundancy...

They should have found a studio in the same building as a DC and colo their so they have the infrastructure and real SLA.


Is this the IT version of comedians in cars getting coffee.

IT people working from home, but not really working is more like it.


"Few weeks" "new stuff". Thats some Erock vaguary.

They raised the subscription price even though they are aware their streaming quality is shit. Stupid people actually give these crooks money.

Dolts. They're so incompetent it astounds me.

Notice he didn't name the new provider. Either he doesn't really have one or he's afraid we'll contact the new provider before a contract is signed and ruin the deal. I'm sure a lot of companies denied them due to content and criminal history.

"Mama says crooked cop thuef!"

compound media’s astonishing incompetence leads to believe the service provider is in the right

"We look forward to not paying our new provider either."

I always hire ex-cops to take care of all my IT needs.

More excuses

Fat fuck artie blocking the signal maybe?

Great customer service and only at $9/month. Fucking joke. Anyone who signs up for this is retarded.

Unprofessional failed cop, fuck you keith I know you're reading this you cunt.

Anthony would have been better off just going Solo on Twitch or something

Then he couldn't say nigger or rant about black crime stats.


Zype has put up with so much shit from the "fans" regarding the application and just being goofy, all written eloquently, I'm sure. What other host is ready for 16 to attach themselves to a gay Nazi for like 300 customers?

6 months to switch a service lmao

I don’t know... Those business-class contracts are iron clad.

People here work at Panera they don't know anything about contracts

Valid point

Stupid people always use too many words to get their point across.

"...the ongoing issues for too long"

"You the subscribers..."

"We're hopefully at the end of the relationship within the next few weeks..."

That’s exactly what i thought when i read this. Way too wordy. Filled with useless and unnecessary words trying to make it seem more intelligent and official.

He's trying to speak like a politician or corporate shill.

I'm going to enjoy the slow death of Compound Media watch Anthony go full Opie and take zero responsibility it.

Watch out! Keith is going to call Verizon and tell them he is a cop and demand SLA credits on biz class connectivity, and then treat the lec like shit when he shows up to tell them he can't troubleshoot their local network issues. Har Har.

Keith has liposuction scars.

Stupid most, all he ever needed from day one was a couple of mics, a small mixing board, and a laptop; shit I'm sure he already laying around the McMansion.

Keith, did you turn it off and turn it back on?

It's like this moron got declined by every provider in the Yellow Pages until he got to the last page.

Goddamnit, is it really that fucking hard to spell check/ proofread an official company bulletin? This guy fucking sucks.

I dunno about you but I've been pretty steaming over all this.

Rogan: free on youtube, makes a living

Cumia: deepweb paywall, can't afford internet connection

Rogan reportedly makes $75,000 an episode. More than making a living I'd say.

Wasted it all on edibles and Alpha Brain...

Joe Rogan is a short little fella who over compensates with bow hunting and kettlebells. He is also a terrible stand up and possibly a closeted homosexual.

But one thing he isn't is short of money. He's financially set for life from Fear Factor. That fucking show is still broadcast in practically every country in the world. He gets a monthly rerun residuals cheque that has to be in the region of 10s of thousands of dollars. Newsradio was also syndicated so he gets royalties from that too. He doesn't have to work but he does the MMA thing and is still motivated enough to put out a highly successful podcast. Got to respect that.

So glad I got rid of this shit. Between these issues and Artie being a drugged out asshole, I was done.

People actually subscribe to the compound media? HA HA HAAA, hilarious!

The streaming issue is that Compound Media programming is being broadcast.

Notice he didn't name the new provider. Either he doesn't really have one or he's afraid we'll contact the new provider before a contract is signed and ruin the deal. I'm sure a lot of companies denied them due to content and criminal history.