Joe Cumia retweets his own alt account.

23  2018-02-15 by RBuddCumia


They're sooooo obsessed with black people.

Wait isn't that a parody account?

I hate these The_Donald-tier bullshit arguments. I'm right-leaning but citing some random fucking tweet by Trump and going "seeee! look!" as if it proves anything is some boomer retardation.

Dummy forgot to @ mention the 'left.'

Next one will be his mothers, this why Joe ended up as a cook in military code breaking and deception was never a option with his 2 watt brain power

Wtf is he even saying? How is that showing “the left”?

He's a staggeringly dumb guy, I really think Bobo is more savvy than Joe Cue-mia.

Annual Cumia Reunion.

"See left" = see liberals trump has black folks over.

See? See?

See? See?

this is how children speak. Or adults with arrested development.