Opie isn’t please with Mr.Iseman

39  2018-02-15 by boogsuge


9/10 users here are blocked, stupid.

Post a screenshot.

Not with that attitude

Opie is such a balding, fat, bottom. It's just so easy to give him a beating and he's too retarded to have a competent retort.

Leave it alone.

Enough uh da ffffffawkin lies.

What did Isleman do?

He went on jim and Sam and said opie ruined O&A and would ruin bits

Such a tough guy. Watch out, everyone!

It's hilarious because Matt is maybe the nicest person in the universe and typically refuses to trash anyone but even he had to say it about Opie.

He thinks he has a threatening presence. What a titty boy.

How many times are we going to hear Opie reach the end of his rope as though now he's going to start dropping bombs on everyone, or dishing some dirt?

He's always using expressions like "I've had it with the lies. Enough is enough. We'll see what you say when the real story comes out."

He's never offered one revelation that casts him in a different light.

He's always teasing something that'll never come out. Luckily death is inevitable.

The only bombs Opie has are his own attempts at humor.

And his career

And the two on his chest

It's almost like he's a lying fuckhead or something

I have non idea who Isleman is.

He’s a guest every now and then on Ant’s show. I just like him because he fit about 50 Opie and Anthony references into his last segment on whatever shit cable channel he was on. He seems like a pretty nice guy, he’s a fan of both of the guys so I don’t know why Opie hates him so much. Probably because he’s stupid.

The only bombs Opie has are his own attempts at humor.

Opie has no platform. When he says "FUCK HIM" about a celebrity, it means absolutely nothing. He doesn't even have pests. What's he gonna do, rile up the 10 people that watch him eat sushi in the subway with a fat mexican

Cuban, not mexican. It's cuban food. Don't fret; most people can't differentiate them food. I still can't tell the difference between Korean and Japanese.

Fuck all races except white, nigger.

Oh literal Alexander Grape

Sushi is Cuban food?

He’s never eating at fawkin F.H. Riley’s or any of Carl’s restaurants. I’ll tell you that right now. Sniff.

I was just listening to an old episode with Patrice from 2005. Opie went into his typical diatribe against WNEW and the firing and how Howard blackballed them etc. Then he said something to the effect of how after they were fired, he found out who his real friends were and that he "made a list" of those he felt "betrayed" him. Patrice tries to calmly tell him to let it go and that these people Opie put on his list have careers and are just out there working and to not take it so personal. Opie truly believes anyone who ever came into contact with the show owes their fame to him somehow. It's beyond delusional.

Opie truly believes anyone who ever came into contact with the show owes their fame to him somehow. It's beyond delusional.

Didn't someone listen back and find out the majority of the people who "used to come and do the show all the time!" had shown up like once or twice over the course of a decade?

they got too big for the show sniff

Who is Opie?

Some unemployed guy that doesn’t like Matt Iseman.

Oh, NOW it's enough of the bullshit?

It's hard to believe a guy coming up on 60, having millions of dollars, a young wife and two kids can't stop using an app that brings him nothing but misery on a daily basis. Delete it and go enjoy your life you dope.

Cuban, not mexican. It's cuban food. Don't fret; most people can't differentiate them food. I still can't tell the difference between Korean and Japanese.

He’s never eating at fawkin F.H. Riley’s or any of Carl’s restaurants. I’ll tell you that right now. Sniff.