Reminder: A good egg.

354  2018-02-15 by RapistWithHIV


chequered coat over striped sweater

Nice sweater, Stupid

Nice clashing patterns, stupid.

Two hats


Nobody who has moved out of their parent's house refers to other adult males as "good egg" affectionately

Exactly. Why can't they just say "sweetie" like normal people?

No one who calls himself Rapistwithaids is not a colossal faggot.

Fuck that guy.

Why don't you fuck off you fucking spambot faggot.

Lol angry beta faggot getting righteously emotional


lol, shut up.

Lol you take Kiss & Slipknot seriously, infantalized cornball.

Any girl you've ever been with would rather suck Gene Simmon's old dick than be with you if given the chance

Vietnam era army jacket that he apparently tore into strips to make into bandages.

Somebody rent a room for this homeless man. His health is deteriorating as this winter cold isn't doing him any good.


Wearing a little number from the Artie Lange Collection

With poo stains.

Fell better CQ this sub will always support you.

The man is truly untouchable by this sub. Denny is in second place and I really never gave two shits about Denny the Grandpa dj anyway.

Wardrobe from the Lost & Found collection

Oh man the cellar table would totally smash him for this better steer clear

"Coming in here lookin like he crawled out of a hamper.."

A genuinely good human being.

CQ, the absolute antithesis of Gregg Opie Hughes ...Anthony Cumia, and James Norton.

The skid marks in Colin's undies are more dignified, genuine, & intelligent than the actual character in all 3 of these bags of shit.

As much as a slimeball worm Jimmy is he's still not as bad as op and Ant.

He and Sam are racing to catch up

Agreed. Jimmy had a big rep for being an incredibly nice guy to colleagues & fans at his show...the last few years....he's kind of deteriorating into a phony, self-important bag of sleaze....

But - he is not even close to the degree of "Shit-Person" that is Anthony Cumia & Opie Gregg Hughes.

Hes been dieing of aids last few years man give him a break

Jim won't take a position to save his life. At least Ant holds positions, repulsive as they may be.

Yea, deteriorated into a phony bag of shit. Jimmy used to hold a position. But I stopped listening years ago.

Jimmy had a big rep for being an incredibly nice guy to colleagues & fans at his show

I've heard multiple accounts of him snubbing faggots at shows who want autographs even in spite of his mentally ill obsession with doing the same.

Not a good egg.

he has kind eyes.

dreamy, you might say

Rest in Piss

Stained pants of a laundromat worker

Nice clashing patterns, stupid.

Godspeed get better from my lips to the lord's ears.

Fat Colin slowly making a comeback

I prefer Collin Flaherty

I’d prefer Colin Flaherty lost & disorientated on foot in Brownsville Brooklyn.

What would you call a place like that? A sort of caramel purgatory, if you will.

Brownsville?? Blacker than midnight, I don’t even think there’s any Afro-Hispanics let alone Latin Hispanics. Maybe the most homogenous place in New York City being that it’s all black, at least from what I’ve witnessed throughout my life but I admit I’ve spent very little time there so I could be wrong. I know junkies who have no problem going into the projects to score but won’t step foot in Brownsville or East New York to get their fix.

Love ya miss ya Col

My favorite closet homosexual

God speed, angry Irish man. Be sure to visit Ronkonkoma before you finally die.

Eggs, too much cholesterol

I'm an idiot. How do you find old tweets from so long ago beside just scrolling down for hours?

I just googled CQ recipe for success

I'll try that. Thanks

A cracked good egg.

CQ is one of the moodiest, bitterest, most cynical human beings in the O&A universe and he's still the most lovable of them all.

  • Doesn’t bang trannies then lie about it because he’s ashamed to be true to himself and his lover

  • Doesn’t expect an allowance from his younger brother for no reason other than they share the same last name

  • Has never assaulted a woman

  • Is racist in a fun joking way that doesn’t get weird and serious

Oh, Col....☺️

  • Doesn't eat tootsie pops for breakfast

  • Doesn't skateboard to work and knows humility

  • If he won $100k from a newspaper he found at work, he would share it with his coworkers

  • Is a good Christian with a small nose and has never sold a raspberry pi with a NES shaped case at a 1400% markup

  • Has a mother who didn't flee from him

Sam: Is it a big risk if you sit around chewing nicotine gum for year after year?

Vos: Not at all.

Doctor: We talked about this before but nicotine is a vasal constrictor which means it constricts arteries. Tar causes cancer but nicotine is probably the big issue with cardiac. So if you got a little clog in there and then cause the artery to constrict around it it's more likely to cause a problem.

Vos continues to argue that it's not a factor

Dr Steve is a dummy, vos is still better off not smoking. It's not the fucking nicotine that's the biggest problem when smoking.

Did Vos have a stroke, whys he talk like that?

I wonder if Artie will be there for him like he was there for Artie for all those years.

A candle in the dark

He's the golden egg delivered to humanity on the back of a beautiful swan.


I’m making this my background

The way he treats the likes of Bobo, a barely functioning mongoloid, with humane warmth that’s genuine and not patronising says it all. CG is a good cunt.

The jacket he's holding is a trophy from his latest rape and murder. Colin has a dark side. :(

He just can't stop trying mimic that dummy from that terrible novel he bases his life on.

Get well soon, Colin and by well I mean please die tonight.

If you ask me, he's a GREAT egg

I actually hope he'll be alright. He's probably the only one in this group of people I think that of.

The man is truly untouchable by this sub. Denny is in second place and I really never gave two shits about Denny the Grandpa dj anyway.