Law Enforcement Analyst Opie Roberts Explains the Florida Shooting

0  2018-02-15 by 867-5309-

While Rich Vos and Jim Norton have experienced more life than Opie Roberts ever will, Sam is so fucking delusional that he shushed and mocked any insights that they had about the Florida school shooting to offer his own uninformed, illogical insights which are the only correct insights because mommy told him so.

TLDR: Opie Roberts is a delusional fool.


I'm betting on the shooter being on a cocktail of SSRI drugs. It seems like the common link between these mass shooters more than not.

Opie Roberts is convinced bullying is the issue. New Opie isn't comfortable with public schools having armed guards.

Back to bullying, despite the fact that Sam instigates, encourages and enables the bullying of intern Anthony each day, the delusional cunt claims he's anti- bullying.

Also, Sam is already trying to get Vos to take his shirt off because he thinks it's a hilarious bit.

TLDR: The world would be a better place without Opie Roberts.

The end bullying brigade is such inconsequential nonsense. I remember it taught me how to stick up for myself and not be a lil faggot. Teach your children how to not take shit and they'll learn fast that it won't be a problem soon enough. Plus they get a good lesson in problem solving at a young age.

However, I don't like SSRI drugs from a personal standpoint. I was put on some at a pretty young age and got worse, except for welbutrin. I know people that are helped with them too, but some people with certain genetic makeups can have detrimental results from them. I for one, had suicidal thoughts running through my head after being put on them. I found out simple exercise and a healthy diet works a lot of that shit out and it's much safer. But some people can take them and feel better so to each their own I guess.

Either way Sam is a cunt and repressed homo as Jim is starting to come out.

From what I understand this kid was a crazy fuck and people used to joke that he would do this. When no one is surprised, we need some fucking early intervention.

I wish a large bully would forcibly sodomize Opie Mark II.

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How long did they spend on it? An hour or an hour and a half?

90 minutes so far...

Comedy gold.