The problem with Jim

35  2018-02-15 by theropers

is that he can't tell the difference between sincerity and bluntness. His personality is mostly a construction to avoid personal closeness because of whatever trauma he experienced as a child. Since he's terrified of people recognizing this facade for what it is, he tries to avoid looking phony by bluntly blurting out humiliating details of his personal life so he looks "honest".

But since this is just a defense mechanism to prevent people (maybe even himself) from seeing his true pain, it's not actually honest or sincere. It's just factual and embarrassing.

When he's in an interview setting, he thinks he's "cutting through the bullshit" by just blurting out something painful for the interviewee - "Your mom was killed, right?!" But this is a grotesque simulation of actual human sincerity that disgusts emotionally normal people.

That's why he's very funny but fails as an interviewer and actor.


He's just autistic. He doesn't understand human emotions.

It really is a shame. Opie needed him that day.

That was a big fawkin day

He's not even that funny.

I wish I had enough autism to compile the thousands of times he's segued in a forced tranny joke with an overexcited voice & expression that just screams "HAHA, GET IT??.. PLEASE LIKE ME!!"

Cool name bro

Norton has never been funny.In the golden years of O and A the best shows were the ones when he wasn't there.

Go away Gregg.

What's terrifying about him is that since he birds this sick shit out he feels entitled to everyone's secrets and is above "anonymous".

Spot in

This is also why he falls in love with sex workers and thinks they love him back. He has no sense of what genuine intimacy and closeness with another person feels like.

I thought it was the HIV.

I thought they was givin the man UPS

The strangest thing was Jim wanting to cut his wrists like a suicidal teenage girl, because the Yankees lost a world series in the early 2000s, and then hating about them because Jeter never signed his photo after asking him 5-6 times.

Sounds like some bobo shit


Do you think all that blinking he does makes the guests comfortable to share their deepest, darkest secrets with him?

Naw he's fine and funny

He is a hollowed out shell of a man with no true identity, so he blindly follows his basest physical urges, and simply molds his personality to those around him. Why has he become hateable? Look who he chose as a partner, a mentally stunted ape-boy.

unless it’s Vos, Bobby, Colin, Florentine or Patrice when he was alive, Jim also is unfunny around other comedians. When Jeff Ross, Ricky Gervais, Kevin Hart, etc are on, it’s always some terrible “craft of comedy” discussion Jim starts up. The discussion becomes serious, then Jim interjects a tranny joke. The decision to go from serious to funny must always be on the worm’s terms.

Hes not very funny. Whens the last time he didnt sound like a grandma????

He REALLY needs Ant or Colin or someone he can bounce off of to be funny. He can't be funny with duds like Ope and Sam.

He's also a faggot.

He’s a sweet boy with the crispest snaps in the business. I hear there is a buzz in the Sirius offices about it.

I thought they was givin the man UPS