Pete Davidson thinks he invented the old line about someone looking melted. Accuses someone else of stealing it.

5  2018-02-15 by ForceBangPow


I'm not a comedian and I've made the same "joke" in the past.

Yeah Dave Attell is a true artist. haha porn haha jerking off haha

a unique talent. so i was in my hotel room watching porn and jerking off ,haha..

That's what a retard hears when they listen to Attell.

  1. Old news.

Pete Davidson's dad looks like someone put him in a microwave, then flew two planes into it.

The towers look melted by thermite

Can anyone name a single Pete Davidson line, or joke, or bit, or character, or anything?

Fat Danny Zuko.

His “I’m rich, dating a hot millionaire, on SNL, but you don’t understand how hard my life is”, bit is pretty funny.

He didnt do it as such, but that Hillary tattoo is a gigantic joke

Very meta.

I bet in a few years he pulls a Schumer/Jefferies and blows this whole thing off as a character once mental illness stops being such a badge of honor among certain segments of society. "haha you all thought I was an insane BPD pothead faggot with daddy issues."


One of the first results when you Bing him though. Bing is not good.

I wish someone would bing your head with an aluminum bat. I’m sorry, that was just mean and now I feel bad for saying it.