Oh no, Pete’s smoking weed again!

40  2018-02-15 by krak007


Hope he gets the help he needs

First Colin. Now Pete.. I cant handle this shit. What a day.

He should call into Jim Nortons advice show

That's a tough one, man. I think maybe he should go to a meeting.

I hope it hastens his mental decay and he finally makes his successful trip down to be with old dad

You’re throwing it all away!

"Steve Bannon claims he doesn't hate jewish people...heh heh....and Mel Gibson did 4 Lethal Weapon movies with Danny Glover, we see how that worked out"


He's half of a white owl away from a Black Panther face tat

This kid became Piscopo faster than Piscopo.

Wrong. Piscopo is a mans man who drops loads, not takes them.

Hes so untalented and unfunny its insane.

Most comedians use social media as a way to expose their comedic talent. Pete does not seem to suffer from this affliction.

Pete has already exposed himself and the results were not good.

Hillary tat was comedy gold.

His addiction to weed is worse than I thought... He's worse off than artie

Nigga best be getting on that kratom

Is Pete going to die?

There's no hope with dope

Taking a smoking selfie to look cool is about as misguided as turning up to a job interview wearing a tail buttplug to look professional

use more words

what a flamer

worse than Artie

Oh no, the devil's weed has roped Pete back in. Pray for him and Norton fellas, this is serious business.

He was probably feeling dope-sick from lack of marijuana

This is most hilarious part about him. When I wake up after an evening of devil's lettuce I feel fantastic. Pete acts like he's coming off Heroin. What a weirdo.

He lives in a non legal state, if he buys from a large scale operation he probably IS coming off an adulterant when he runs out..

Dead by 30.

Hopefully sooner.

Is that a jazz cigarette?

I was a fan, till the Hillary tattoo

I hope you’re kidding when you say it took you that long to realize this kid is a gigantic pussy.

WELP! He is my favorite comedian <3 <3 <3 BUT WHY IS eh doing this to us?

Relapses are to be expected in recovery. One day at a time.

Only the fat fuck unfunny stangels could have made this chode look momentarily good.

He probably caught the Nick Cage 911 movie on TV or sumthin..

Man this picture makes me hate Brooklyn so much I'm glad the Dodgers went west.

Wow that's cool.

Retarded ass monkey looking sack of shit

I remember the massive faggot announcing he was 20 or 30 something days "sober". Anyone that announces such a short time of being sober will not stay sober, but the fact that he thought making this announcement about weed made him seem like a survivor, or someone with a lot of damage and issues, shows what a massive pussy boy cock sucker he is.

I hate him so

He's got Bobo lips.

"If I show her how crazy I am, that'll win her back!"

Bipolar Disorder Kills. It's like 9/11

What an unlikeable douche.

Pete has already exposed himself and the results were not good.

Hillary tat was comedy gold.