Compound Media is a bad company, because Ant and Keith are bad decision makers. And Keith is a horrible producer.

75  2018-02-15 by Every1ShouldBKilled

Someone said on here, that the Verizon bill at CM is not getting paid? Don't know how true that is. But it sounds likely at this point.

These idiots will never learn, so maybe the only thing we can do now is to watch them lose everything.

Whaddo I care? I aint one a tha millionaires. I just take my lunch pail to th-WE HEARD YOU.


The entire fucking enterprise is 100 percent dependant on the internet and the dirty, dumb cop didn't pay the fucking internet bill. It'd be like a bar being 3 months late on alcohol purchases and not stocking beer. What the fuck was Anthony thinking when he let this idiot cop run it all?

This was recently? The guy who posted it on the sub took it down. Was it confirmed from someone?

What 'rumor' started on this sub turned out to be not true before?

The sub has a pretty good track record

That the not only Anthony Cumia Show but also Jim and Sam Show would bring in a new era of audio hilarity and enjoyment.

The Bonfire is the next O&A.

I'm not sure why you faggots downvoted me, I was playing off of stupid assholes making retarded claims that never came to fruition. Do you cunts not remember people saying that The Bonfire was going to take the torch from O&A? Eh fuck it, what do I know, I got my lunch pail and thermos of coffee...


Every time someone said Compound Media would be done this year, next year, 3 years, any day now.

nobody remembers the past. all i know is, this sub gets it right.

Well there was a rumor that Anthony took Sue's butt virginity, but truth be told, she took his.

both is remarkably false

You may be right

What is the basis for these 'unpaid internet' claims? At best, this is a running gag.

Anthony is lazy and low bred.

Anthony had have Keith run it so he could do all the contract stuff with hosts that makes little spaghetti anthony pee pee his pants.

Boy, they really put the whole thing together there didn’t they?

Their internet has gone twice in a month. It's because Verizon it shit.

Maybe so, but I fantasize, like many others, Anthony is close to penniless and compound media will end up in the wasteland of failed companies, where it rightfully belongs. Please don’t ruin this fantasy.

Sweet green screen tho

Geriatrics seem to be fascinated by green-screen.

I work in marketing/advertising and without fail if any golf-playing douche over 45 wants to shoot a promo on a green screen because “we can change the backgrounds!!! Yah!!!”

Stupid fucks.

Fucking burdens

Baby Boomers stink and I don't like them.

Who would have guessed that a guy who's only qualification is planting evidence on black gang bangers would be a good podcast network executive?

Bunch of niggers.

James Norton has a free subscription and he still hasn't watched a moment of this terrible podcast network.

no they made Jimmy PAY for his. He said that when Bobo was on the show. We broke CM's balls over that on here.

Jesus Christ. Keith needs to a valet somewhere ASAP.

And Sam doesn't have a CM sub at all.

Stop tying to make Sam sound like a better person than he is.

Everything about it is terrible. Every time they lose a show and replace it with another it's worse. I wouldn't listen to anything currently on the network even if it was free. Ant's show is getting worse all the time. Even people on the TACN subreddit, a place where only the most die-hard of fanboys still post, are fed up with it and talking about cancelling.

But the good news is, they raised the price recently.

Idk what they think they are. They add new shows that I see a promo shot for once of a name I've never heard and them I never hear about the show ever again. Who the fuck is Dave Landau? Tune in tuesday for the debut of Eric the Midget and James Jamesington!

I wonder if Jamesington is club fuckin footed too?

People want to pay double Netflix prices for compound media. They uust don't know it yet.

It also sucks because AntH is not a broadcaster; he's the guy at the work site who does some good impressions and is quick with some lines when bouncing them around with other people. Left to his own devices to host a show and interview people he is charmless, awkward and impossible to watch/listen to.

The only thing Keith should be producing is a package of crack to plant on innocent black people.

Next we'll learn they're late on the green screen bill and that their fake laughter is being repossessed.

I'm sending someone from Chicago to straighten them out.

Look how Sam deflects after he says he doesn't have a CM sub and Jimmy had to pay for his.

Well if you put it that way....

Why are they trying to have a dozen shit shows?

Just have one show, in a normal room with good guests.

Keith putting all decisions on programming on hold for months because of some ISP issue, how about you stop trying to set up a dogshit cable network and make 2 decent hours of a show twice a week and go from there?

AND waterheads.

water is wet

They constantly blame Verizon for problems.

However, they do nothing to get a redundant failover circuit setup.

Running an Internet broadcasting network with zero connectivity backups = amateur fail.

Talk more about Internet, you nerd.

Hi Keith

Pied Piper was better organized.

Idk what they think they are. They add new shows that I see a promo shot for once of a name I've never heard and them I never hear about the show ever again. Who the fuck is Dave Landau? Tune in tuesday for the debut of Eric the Midget and James Jamesington!

People want to pay double Netflix prices for compound media. They uust don't know it yet.

You really have put your finger on it. If Anthony would've kept LoS and become the Cellar crowd 2.0 he might've had something with legs. Instead he let Keith fritter the Skanks away over a couple hundred bucks and invested his money into really bad plays like Redbar et al.