Colin Quinn recovering from heart attack...(insert jokes herein)

169  2018-02-14 by UltraLegion3


At least his funny bone is in working order!

There is no such thing.

Get a load of Gray's Anatomy over here!

He was doing literal Jim you fucking moron.

There is actually

only africans have it though

No, that's sickle cell anemia. Still funny though

It's a nerve, not a bone.

drop your pants

The funny bone is a penis. That's it. If you have it, you're funny. If you don't have it, you're not funny. Having breasts and a penis is grey area.

Oh literal yeahheymate.

Don't scare me like that faggot.

Yes. A news lady in Jacksonville tweeted he postponed his show due to a heart attack

Nice arteries, stupid


Nice timing stupid

Day late and a dollar short

Hrmph yeah well ya know

Rich Vos will be performing at the West Hyatt in Attica, New York Feb 15-19 .......

Im sure the crowds will ventricle in

Wait wait wait........thats aorta tss tss

You're aororta!

Who's replacing him, Artery Lange?

Oh wait no, he's a undependable heroin adddict.

I still think it's a publicity stent.

I want all of you to be in pain for the rest of your lives

You should be shunned for this joke.

If fucking Colin dies while Artie and Lady Di are still alive, I will curse God and all the saints.

Anthony's heart attack was a one time thing 😭😭😭😭😭😭

Why must the good die young!

For real. If he dies, comedy takes a bigger hit then the day Seinfeld goes

Seinfeld already went.

I meant it as a knock on Seinfeld as well as praising our boy Colin. Seinfeld will get a fuck ton of press but we know who the real geniuses of comedy are.


Nice circulatory system, stupid

I really hate hearing news of a CQ heart-attack, but this made me loff.

Thank you hooman

How fucking tragic would it be if Colin dies before Artie

Even if he died after Artie it would be fucking tragic.

I’m not even joking, but if that old mush-mouthed mick drops dead, I might shed a tear... and I’m pretty fucking dead emotionally, so that’s saying a lot.

He was one our only angels

I wish he did more

u'll shed a tear for someone you haven't met in your whole life but you also say u are not the emotional type?


Just saying. But go ahead and emotionally downvote me!

Colin is the only person aside from Bobby who seemed like a genuinely nice guy. He's was the only kind person to both Bobo and Lady Di and they latched onto that like the retarded parasites they are.

Yeah I started to turn in Jimmy when he was such a cunt to Bobo, as if he's so much more of an upstanding man. He's a conceited, self-important faggot who doesn't realize he'll never be a superstar

Tsss turn him in for what? whats he a robber or sumptin I dont know

He is 8 years older to be fair

Not by junkie years

How can Artie not have gotten one hot dose of heroin by this time? There’s so much out there laced with fentanyl and, even worse, carfentanil that no amount of Narcan can revive people.

He said in an interview that addicts on his level actually welcome a dose of fentanyl.

Wow. That’s playing with fire. That stuff is 50 times stronger than heroin.

Thanks, Eyewitness News.

Yeah no shit faggot

Therein lies the point sherlock.

In other news, water is wet like your head.

From your lips, to God's ears.

Yeah that fentanyl is a mother fucker dude

Oh he only gets the best stuff, he's a very classy guy.

Confirmation from local media at his latest gig

Wait this isn't a Colin twitter joke? Jesus Christ, I honestly hope the lonely old queen is okay.

Too bad!

What a fucking cunt.

"No, too bad he's sick and can't perform, happy he's ok." He just had a fucking heart attack and this dummy acts like hes out with the flu

Tuesday, Wednesday, heart attack

This is terrible news

Literally looking at a heart diagram right now. Laughs will ensue. Shortly


Colin is so lonely that his heart broke on valentines day

He literally made that joke in the tweet.

You can literally eat my ass

I don't understand the need for vulgarities at a time like this. Have some respect, sir.

You're right. Im just very vulnerable right now. You see colin fucked my mom back in the 80s and i always kinda wished he was my dad

He doesn't

The joke fucking sucked dick.

Thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers.

"Joan, Joan, suck on my bone!"


I'm going to see him in March God willing

The only people we (this sub) believe in without prejudice is Dennis Falcone and Colin Quinn.

We can't lose this fucking man. WE CAN'T.

We already kicked off the teens with Patrice dying, if we lose Colin, It’ll only cement The dark age of comedy for another decade… Maybe even longer.

If he wasn't so fucking fat for all those years, goddammit Colin...

"You ain't the man, you run from the man, I fear no one"

“That...that’s terrible, I’m sorry.”

Glad Colin's not dead. Literally anyone else in comedy. I wish it happened instead to that smelly faggot Kumil or the morbidly obese black woman that pretends to be a comedian. Well at least the latter is inevitable.

morbidly obese black woman that pretends to be a comedian

You’re going to have to narrow that down

That last one I think he means. Yamanigga

I'd prefer it if he didn't die

I don't normally even discuss or reflect on most celebrity or comic deaths but if Colin dies anywhere in the next 10 years I think I would consider joining ISIS and just say fuck it all

Bob zmuda told me he faked it.

At Arties roast Colin made a joke about having better material but saving it for his wake

So in closing just remember Artie, everyone loves you.........except Dana.

God can't be cruel enough to take an angel like CQ and leave a wife murdering troll like Patton to roam the earth.

So your heart had an attack. Could you talk about it?

I wonder if he's going to get either stents or have heart surgery? Stents are a quick recover, heart surgery not so much. Get well Colin.

People who has to have Heart surgery don't have the time to tweet. Probably a stent and then Trombyl+stations, the lovable Irish uncle is eating street food like he's in his 20's running between MTV tapings. Rich Vos could teach him alot about being a healthy old man

Watching YKWD live stream. Bawby said he got stents and he was smart since he called 911 the second he felt something.

Unlike Bawby, who calls Seamless the second he feels something.

How psychologically broken do you have to be to publicly mock your own imminent death on twitter as a coping mechanism

Laughter is the best medicine

"When I'm dead and laid out on the counter

A voice you shall hear from below

Saying send down a hogshead of whiskey

To drink with ol' Colin the Smart-Mouthed Mick"

Is there any way he could take Jimmy with him if he goes?

A spoonful of you know what's keeps the doctor away.

Heart attacks are the new stomach ulcer, he'll be fine he's not an idiot.


Nice heart attack, stupid.

More like cloged Quinn amaright

He took not being cast in the remake of Crocodile Dundee to heart.

Heart attack, what did it punch him in the nose or somethin

I hope Col is being sucked to recovery by a 10/10 twink

His arteries are tighter than the restrictions set by the ruling class onto the common people that gave rise to the Bolsheviks.

Does he still smoke cigarettes?

He quit drinking, doubt he's gonna smoke

I'm happy Colin got out of the O&A universe unscathed and seems to be the most successful.

If Colin dies before any of these other pieces of shit I will drive down to New York and start shooting these degenerates myself.

If Colin dies before any of these other pieces of shit I will drive down to New York and start shooting these degenerates myself.


This is an

!!!-IRONIC 100% SAFE POST -!!!

Nice arteries, stupid.

His heart was sick of all that failure.

call 911, stupid

of course cq will die young

This is the worst news I've seen on this sub since Otto died. Fucking sucks. Thoughts and prayers.

I am going to be a very sad boy the day CQ or Doug Stanhope dies.

Colin survived! I thought he died. Don't old men normally die from heart attacks? I heard that it's the fucking way she goes =)

I remastered every available episode, over 150 episodes. Remastered the video & audio. Can someone share with me where on reddit I should put this information? I'm new to reddit

I don't understand the need for vulgarities at a time like this. Have some respect, sir.

Day late and a dollar short

only africans have it though

It's a nerve, not a bone.

"No, too bad he's sick and can't perform, happy he's ok." He just had a fucking heart attack and this dummy acts like hes out with the flu