Happy Valentine's Day Lovers- How are you lovely folks gonna celebrate the occasion?

2  2018-02-14 by WhippingHuskies

I managed to ask the chubby pale cashier girl that works at the supermarket out on a date tonight. I'm taking her to a little restaurant down the road, and hopefully I'll bang her out afterwards. And you?


I'm going to the district court to surrender myself for assault charges. ❤

Are you really? Cool.

Honestly, it'll most likely be my most memorable Valentine's Day.

Oh shit, you were serious? Sucks man, but for what it's worth good luck dude.

Thanks man. At least it'll be another story.

fight the power ✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿

He dindu nuffin.

Good luck bro

I'm slowly transforming into one of those "my son is the only man I need" single moms, so my kids are my valentines.

That's cool too. If it makes you feel any better, I went out this morning and purchased my Mom, both Grandmothers, and my Aunt a box of good chocolates each. They were all very grateful when I dropped them off. I'm sure your kids will be very happy being your Valentines. Don't sweat it.

yeah your kids and the large haitian man thats gonna deep dick you

i'm playing it cool and not texting him today. don't want him to think I have the wrong idea

when your kids asked him who he is, did you say "hes an uncle" or did you just say "hes coo" ?

I don't bring men around my kids

are you saying that black men arent real men?

Is Valentine's the second most ignored holiday for black men?

Your surname isn't "Fritzl", by any chance?

You’re all our valentine on here, Bams_seed, now let’s see a nice pic of ur ass

Apart from geriatric Pakistanis and their creepy sons?

Shuuuuuuuuuuuure he's the only man we both need honey.

i asked a girl from my over eaters support group if she wanted to go to the oriental buffet with me and she said she was busy. will probably just watch some pop up shows and eat a bag of chicken nuggets.

I wish I were even a fraction as positive as you are. Good on you, dude.

thanks, my cousin Jizz said i should have asked her to go to a healthy restaurant instead. i guess i should try again.

You'll get her eventually dude. And if you don't, there'll be others out there for you.

Gonna catch up on Mike Finoia clips on various podcasts and kill my fucking parakeet. Sick of it.

Petey? Pretty bird.

Just realized I stole that from D&D. I fucking suck.

its a sin to senselessly end the life of one of gods creatures 🙏

Gold dipped Rose

How bout a gift card to Steiner Sports instead?

I'm gonna drink a fifth of vodka, play Battlefield 1, and play with my cat.

Now that I think about it, thats probably the same thing Ant will do.

I’m gonna put on makeup & women’s clothes, tuck me dick in & dance while the girl I kidnapped sits in the bottom of the well I dug in my basement.

No single parties in the big city tonight? If you can't get laid on V day or Halloween in Manhattan, you should just fly down to Pataya and get yourself a gal/ladyboy, buy a house in Westchester, a Kia Sorrento for her, Hyundai Elantra for you, and be the joke of the neighborhood.

Lol. I’m good I’ve been seeeing a nice young lady for about 6 months now & she’s trapped in my hand dug well.

Hope you had fun last nite man.

I had a good time, I always have fun that’s the problem. How about you, did get some action from that cashier?

That was my problem too, man. Having fun is what always gets me in serious trouble. Yea, dude, mission accomplished. Feels good. Sometimes you gotta be grateful for what you get, especially when you're as monumental fuck up as me. Have a good day, bro.

I have an exciting night ahead of heating up some Digiornos and masturbating myself to sleep

Sucking my girlfriend’s dick. You know, the usual.

been talking to a woman way below my standards, asked her if she would want to do something tonight. she said " I have no plans but if not today tomorrow." so.. yeah .. it doesnt look good. Just passing time until my close family passes away so I can Steve C it.

Good luck tonight gents ! Be safe!

Don't worry Opesterino, you're our friend here.

thanks man. update: my night didnt work out. lol

That's cool bro. Order yourself a pizza and watch a good tv show. I'm about to head out now. Good night man, and keep your head up.

hell yeah man. you have yourself a good night. take care and be safe.

ps - dont do anything the homies wouldnt do.

Mission accomplished, dude. Have a good day.

Some fat ugly loser who comes into the supermarket where I work asked me out to dinner at some hole-in-the-wall shitpile restaurant tonight, he probably thinks I'm gonna let him fuck me, and I might, but boy is he gonna be surprised that first morning it burns when he pisses.

Classy dame. Are you offended and resentful of this loser for asking you out, and by default, thinking you are his equal in appearance and status , or are you grateful that he asked you out in the first place?

Eh, it's a free meal and a scratch for an itchy cervix.

Well, that's a start I guess.

I was supposed to get dinner and go to the art museum, then have drunk sex.

But, her selfish, senile, religious burden of a dad announced he came over, let himself in and is “hanging out at our place” until we get off work so he can “see us.”


Sleeping. I'm a raging alcoholic who usually gets very drunk and falls asleep before most have their work lunch. Should be a fun one.