Say what you want about Joe Rogan- But he's the only guy, besides saint Mel, in Hollywood with any balls.

0  2018-02-14 by WhippingHuskies

I hate to admit it, but Rogan is indeed powerful and will go down as a great cultural icon and as civilization starts fighting back against "the system," will be fondly remembered in history. The fuckin balls on this guy, on the most popular podcast in the world. Has this been making the rounds on the internet, picked up by an news sources? Edit- link failed -


No he’s not. No he doesn’t. What the fucking are you talking about?

What the fucking are you talking about?

Dummy. What other celebrity is talking this way, then? He routinely has alt-rite figures on his podcast and other controversial people on, whose mere association is enough to send 99% of Hollywood cocksuckers to the hills running for cover.

The only person he's had on who could remotely be considered alt right is Chuck Johnson, and he won't do that again because his sjw audience freaked out.

Milo, Gavin, Anthony, Alex Jones- just off the top of my head.

None of those people are in any way associated with the altright. Milo has disavowed and Gavin lives in terror of being called altright. Alex is just a civnat.

Milo called himself “the voice of the alt right” about two months before going on Rogan. The meaning of the term has shifted in the past two years.

I've only ever seen Milo describe himself as a "fellow travellers" and deny being alt right. The meaning hasn't shifted at all, it is still a coalition of people, from libertarians to national socialists, who are actually against the left and the cuckservative establishment.


Are you ok dude? You said he’s going to go down as some great cultural icon. Of course he won’t. You said he has the biggest podcast in the world. Of course he doesn’t. You asked if something related to him had been going around the internet and news sources. I asked you what the fuck your talking about and you’re calling names. What are rambling about?

JRE is amongst the most, if not The most popular podcasts in the world. He's already a cultural icon in many subcultures. -I asked you what the fuck your talking about and you’re calling names- Methinks you're not very bright.

“Methinks”? Cute. Look it up dude. He’s I believe in the top 30. I could be wrong. Last time I looked at the list was about 6 months ago. Certainly not the number one. And if you’re asking about if him taking about the murder of Seth Rich.. you’re a little late to the party, guy. Rogan has talked about that several times over the past year plus. Not sure why your think this time it would hit front pages. Again, I think you may need to go lie down dude. Nothing news-breaking here. Relax.

Name one celebrity who's even brought up his death or the Clinton body count?

Just one? Uncle Ted.

I can’t stand the Clintons, but the body count thing is total nonsense.

First Bing search. Stupid.

Yeah dude. You got me there. He’s risen like hell since the last time I checked. I just did a search myself and some have him lower but not by much. Good for him. I told you from the get go I might be wrong on that. Either way you seem to be having some sort of a breakdown and should take it easy. This isn’t the first time this has come up and it won’t be the last. It’s not going to hit newsstands and there won’t be little 5’4 statues of Joe Rogan erected in coming years. Relax dude. Jesus.

You said it, man.

I was literally obsessed with some great collapse coming before I got medication for schizophrenia. He's living in a fantasy world

Joe Rogan: "why are there so many conspiracy theories about the Jews?"

"Professional" "Skeptic" and "debunker" Mick West: "uh, uh, uh, i-i-i don't know"

dude there's not gonna be some great revolution things will go on the way they always have. joe rogan isn't "in Hollywood" other than location-wise

Joe is incredibly popular in the Anglosphere, and has worked in/around Hollywood for decades. -dude there's not gonna be some great revolution things will go on the way they always have- Denial, deceit, deception. Chomp. You're absolutely out of your mind if you think things aren't in absolute freefall atm, and they're just organically gonna right themselves again.

I used to read zero hedge and have a skewed view of the world. Then I got medicated. This is as good as it gets yeah things suck, but they'll be dealt with the way they always have. A revolution is literally not possible

but they'll be dealt with the way they always have.

Revolutions. Angry White men, more often than not. This is what happens when you're entire world revolves around everyone else wiping your ass. You're welcome to spend a week in Europe with me, and we can take a lil road trip. If you think things here, or in the US are just gonna continue on with the working/middle class wiping everyone's dirty Heine's for them, as the economy implodes, third world immigration completely levels major cities, Marxism continues to desecrate everything it touches, and the media keeps getting caught out in massive lies while politicians openly brag about destroying nations, you're dreaming. I'm largely apolitical, and stopped comparing about my species years ago. I have no stake in the outcome of what happens, but if you think the current civilizational climate is gonna hold I don't know what to tell you.

angry white men are trouble makers and outliers. people will continue voting for the major political parties, nothing will change

Keep telling yourself that everything will be okie dokie, and that somehow thins will just magically take care of themselves. Like they did in Lebanon, Haiti, South Africa, Rhodesia, 1939 Germany.

Things aren't ok, but we're not on the cusp of some great collapse like you think we are. I get what you're saying, I used to be obsessed with the idea and I literally had to get medicated to have a more realistic view of the world.

Obsessed is locking yourself up in a compound, armed to the teeth, and researching crime stats all day. Common sense is going outside, looking around, and understanding that something has gone critically wrong. But time will tell.

the mind police had to poison you because they dont like free thinkers

now youre just another sheep they can control

you surrendered to the big brother

true. it's really hard to live with a sense of impending doom all the time, and I'm much happier being a sheep

You had to get medicated to stop you from thinking about it over and over. The issue is still there.

I live in Europe (uk) and there has always been this underlying tension where you feel that i wouldnt take much for things to get real ugly, real quick.

I live in Manhattan & see none of what you speak of. It’s supposed to the liberal capital of America but everyone is pretty nice to me even though I’m white straight male. I know there’s problems & a small percentage of college kids have lost their minds in sjw culture but as a society as a whole it’s pretty much the same as it’s always been, it’s just because the internet has made everyone is aware any subculture that exists. Before the internet their were wanna be Marxist but most people weren’t aware of them but now a few thousand Marxist on twitter/social media & people think they are taking over & the sky is falling.

You live in Manhattan. You're surrounded by some of the most ambitious, wealthy go-getting yuppies on the planet, that full of White / Jewish people south of 125 st and a few pockets of Ricans and scattered Blacks in well policed projects. I grew up in the boroughs and the change in the last decade alone is astronomical. I hadn't been to Europe in 10 years before I came. It's not unrecognizable and even worse than what the far-right have been screeching about. I don't see a scenario where their won't be massive civil unrest here, and especially is the money is running out. This whole thing has to be by design. Up till about 2012 I'd a thought anyone thinking this way had lost their mind, but not anymore. What ever is happening here is not gonna end well. I had a private conversation with a limey here, who's amongst the most level headed users here, and he confirmed it's far worse in the UK than what even Alex Jones is describing and a cousin who lives in Berlin, who married a Turkish girl, said the country will be at civil war sooner than later, and white guilt is the only thing keeping the people from butchering Merkel and co and deporting everyone who is part of the problem. Believing otherwise is living in mass denial. Just like people who conveniently forget to discuss Lebanon, S Africa, Rhodesia, or any black city stateside when they wax poetical on "everything will work out, you're just being paranoid and brainwashed by fear-mongers."


How is Joe in Hollywood?

He's a B-List celebrity, has hosted multiple popular network shows, hobnobs with A listers, has amongst the most popular podcasts on the planet. Sounds pretty Hollywood to me.

You’re a fucking idiot

Seriously dude, do you know what an A lister is? No not Andy Dick, that is just the first letter of his name. Joe is not a B-list celebrity. He is D, and you know what, nothing wrong with that. It is sure better than Opie.

Joe is LA. Not Hollywood.

Are you ok dude? You said he’s going to go down as some great cultural icon. Of course he won’t. You said he has the biggest podcast in the world. Of course he doesn’t. You asked if something related to him had been going around the Internet and mainstream news sources. I asked you what the fuck your talking about and you’re calling names. What are rambling about?

You’re not being vague enough in your love letter.

Nor is your sister with the colored gentlemen that operates out the back of the 7-11.

Holy shit dude. You’re truly embarrassing yourself. Just let it go.

Yes. It's me who should let it go.

Yes, it is.

Oof. Swing and a miss.

I was just thinking about this today. He’s not anything special and I too find him extremely annoying but what these fucking morons are missing is how the public will view him, not this fucking sub. He’s on the edge of mainstream and he says things that have gotten other people proclaimed as nazis. He’s a mediator between the Hollywood crazies and normal, honest people. No matter what happens, Rogan had one of the biggest voices, practically birthed podcasting, and said the most “dangerous” stuff. He’s going to be the heralded as some sort of Bill Hicks for this generation of pussies until things get normal we get a real one. You’re an out of touch retard if you think that because a minority of the comedy community finds him annoying that it’s going to stop his legacy.

Thank you. You just summed up how I feel about Rogan, and what his significance to our culture is.

One day we shall study him like Dante.

Date Nero

Jimmy Dore is an insufferable cunt.

He is valuable leftist who bashes the clintards . Cunt he may be

There are so many better leftists who bash the Clintons.

Was surprised this did not link to a story about a little person.

I actually debated posting one of that jacked midget with the Amazonian negress, but I'm at a café doing some paperwork and too lazy to do so.

One problem with Joe is that he gets these beliefs stuck in his mind then doesn’t care to back them up with facts or information, but has no problem fervently spreading them. He will mention the Clinton body count seemingly every other episode, but I guarantee he couldn’t name a single “victim” besides Rich. It’s intellectually lazy and dishonest, and even though I like and respect his podcast, I think he’s half a moron like many of his fans who put him on a pedestal.

Completely agree. Some of.his guests are interesting but he is a pseudo-intellectual. If you listen to him spout off about his conspiracies,retarded logic on weeeeeeeed and DMTeeeeee man, especially when there is an actual scientist on, he sounds like a fucking retard.

He’s a fag who’s been changing his views on all his bullshit, he’s nothing like how he was in his early days

Joe is incredibly popular in the Anglosphere, and has worked in/around Hollywood for decades. -dude there's not gonna be some great revolution things will go on the way they always have- Denial, deceit, deception. Chomp. You're absolutely out of your mind if you think things aren't in absolute freefall atm, and they're just organically gonna right themselves again.

You said it, man.

Date Nero