The Best of Patrice O'Neal on O&A | Chapter 2 (2008-2009)

53  2018-02-14 by braunheiser


Thank you for your service Braun.

Anyone else find it really hard to listen to Opie? From 2006_2014 I didn't notice, but now it's impossible to hear how socially retarded he is.

Leave it alone.

It's like someone pointing out a spec on a screen, once you notice it it's really jarring.

i work in an office with female coworkers. i have learned to tune out.

Hes soooo douchey. I have this problem listening to the archives. Hes embarrassingly horrible as we've all pointed out

to the niggas here sayin late OnA (201x-2014) is the best you are fucking crazy. 04-09 were when magic happened

That era is tarnished with cool dude frat boy Opie, phony tough guy Norton, & generally retarded shock jock bits (projectile vomiting, stupid whores, etc).

I know there's a lot of classic stuff from that era, but some of you are too nostalgic to see how cringy a lot of it is, evidently.

i listened to the egg nogg challenge a few months ago on a Best Of, call it hacky but it was extremely funny

It was hacky & extremely unfunny.

Cool dude shades Joe Rogan being there also cemented its faggotry.

Dude, would you like to fight me? Because I will beat your fucking ass, dude.

I'm the coloured dude who lives on your street, come fight me.


The best thing about Patrice is that he's a dead ass nigga.

Thanks man. giving me an excuse to listen to old shit again