Yeah, not sure about this one,

5  2018-02-14 by SteveTech74


His tweets are going to hire the lawyer that is making his baby bro look like a bitch?

His account is going to rush for 2000 yards? Nice!

Acquitted? That don’t make no sense

His account is going to behead a Jewish waiter?

His wife must be so embarrassed.

Oh boy everyone beware of this mass migration.

Of course the fucking moron used "your" instead of you're.

Why does he link to Compound Media?

My social media bio doesn't have a link to the food truck my brother drives.

One of the many things that make joe so hateable is how he always talks like he's the president. Why does he think he is so inherently important and impressive? He lives off mimicking the music an infinitely more talented mind created
