If you asked Sam what he’s trying to do with his show, what would be the answer?

62  2018-02-14 by SamRobertsSucks

It just seems like the show exists just to exist. What’s he going for? He’s had 15 years to come up with a show concept and a target audience but he seems completely lost. There’s no vibe, no purpose. It’s not shock jock radio. It’s not a wacky morning zoo. It’s not political. It’s not pseudo-intellectual NPR-ish or comic book nerdy. It’s not soccer mom radio or a bro’s bro show. What the fuck is this show? Jimmy’s has 20 years to fantasize about what kind of show he would do if he got to run one. Sam’s had 15. This is what they dreamed about creating if they got their shot at a morning show?

Even their “celebrity” interviews make no sense. It’s random fighters, wrestlers, porn stars and occasional actors. There never seems to be a theme or purpose for the interview or an angle being taken. They’re just there because they’re there just like the show exists because it exists. Amateur hour. Very disappointing because I like Jimmy and I thought Sam was hungry to finally get his shot. And I’ve given them a fair shot and will check in from time to time but this show is inexcusable incompetent dogshit that can only be caused by laziness, lack of ambition or lack of talent.


Two betas, no alpha.

It's light chit-chat about nonsense. They don't seem to have a demographic or anything they are aiming at. Yesterday, they spent an hour talking about the actresses in Sex in the City hating each other in real life, today was Jim giving really dumb opinions on movies and TV shows. It seems like they are trying to do small talk that can't offend anyone, so anyone can tune in during their commute to work.

This. Their opinions stink. Their banter stinks. The only thing that ever saves this show is a guest that can contribute on their own. More often than not they are even boring when they have a "regular" in.

Besides them having opinions and tastes so bad it's annoying, the rest of the show gives the same emotion as elevator music.

I'd say talking about a rom-com show that went off the air 14 years ago wouldn't be something the intended audience would give a fuck about, but that's just the point, isn't it? It hasn't really got one, does it?

So its just a hodgepodge of half-assed bullshit.

I didn't get a chance to read your whole response here, but it seems really damning from the just the first sentence

They should cancel their show.

They will if the last few faggots will stop listening to it.

No they won't. They employed Opie for several years after Anthony was fired. They don't care who is listening. They only fire employees when they rant about blacks on Twitter or take pictures of fat homosexuals shitting.

Maybe so, but there's still no reason to listen to that show, any more than there was one to listen to Opie's show

Jim has no idea what entertainment is. Listen to him critique movies. He hates that things have a plot that advances or that characters have identifiable traits. He loves old TV interviews that were slow and meandering. His Vice show and the Chip podcast are just him talking to people without a meaningful purpose or direction. He thinks that him or anyone doing things at all is what entertainment is.

The chip show is legitimately entertaining, but you're right about the rest.

Which again is largely saved by his guests. Imagine Chip and Sam doing a show together by themselves?

Jim gets shit on a lot here but we all respect him as the 3rd wheel in a radio show who chimes in with dumb jokes.

What we don't respect is Jim playing a awkward Charlie Rose imitation or pontificating about subjects he's barely has a surface understanding on.

Jim just wants a paycheck/regular gig that doesn't interfere with him doing stand up.

Sam is using this as an avenue to get a job with WWE.

It also provides a stream of famous people he can add to his autograph collection.

"Everyone else is doing a show about something, we'll do a show about nothing"


"I don't want my show to have an O&A vibe" says the faggot who rests his entire career, personality, and livelihood on the laurels of the O&A brand.

Don't want an OnA vibe but I'll steal Ant n Jims ask a question bit and do it 9 times a day

Jim & Sam sucks ass. Sam's night show was a lot funner, repetitious AS FUCK, but generally it was less lame. It's really terrible at this point. What the fuck is Sirius thinking with this shit line up of shows?

Jim is trying to shape shift into someone that modern Hollywood would like. Sam is using it as a platform to make his wrestling wet dreams come true. Just two selfish guys doing nothing and getting away with it.

He's had 15 years to come up with a show and it feels like he's cherrypicked one bad idea each year. It's a bunch of ideas that might have worked at one time or but don't work now, and especially not together.

If he's trying to be bad ironically, he's halfway there.

White noise radio

Funny. I haven’t looked at sites like Wackbag or anything for a good year now, then I stumbled across this Reddit thread. What do I find? The same old crusty whining complainers who never liked anything except O&A from 10+ years ago.

Jim & Sam is far more entertaining than O&A in the last few years. #2 show on the platform. They’re doing something right. Old school shock jockery is dead. Let it stay that way.

Nobody is asking for shock jock style radio. Everyone is tired of hearing Jimmy who is clearly unfocused on constantly on his phone. People are tired of neither of them doing any kind of show prep or even just watching the news and knowing what's happening in the world. Sam has the same fucking gimmick always "Oh do you not think that thing is good?" Followed by Jimmy saying noooooooooo. It's just chit chat in the morning between two guys who lead boring ass lives. Jimmy is afraid to go to a Mexican resort because of the cartels. Sam is still a little mommies boy who can only eat certain things and can't talk about anything deeper than WWE plot lines. It's fucking filler radio.

Seriously though, fuck Mexico.

Wish i we could say the same about you.

They're trying to do The Opie and Anthony Show without Opie or Anthony.

Sam is the same pre-show faggot he was 7 years ago, just with more entitlement.

Jim is still third mic even when he has top billing.

There was a formula that worked. All they needed was someone to take over for Opie who wasn't a terrible retard.

They're appealing to soccer moms and septic truck drivers, the shit of the nation.

He wants a 100% all the time wrestling show, but doesn't want it to be too obvious.

“We’re two guys who have solo shows dedicated to our limited interests, that decided to combine into one show dedicated to our limited interests.”

I am obviously in the minority on this but I enjoy the show.