My 3rd & Final masterpiece is Artie spilling fucking water.

104  2018-02-13 by NondenominationalBen


Links to 1st & 2nd, please

Artie's deteriorating good looks

Ant's twitches when he thinks of getting caught being a paedo

I almost forgot how normal looking Artie was at beginning of the AA show. He has deteriorated into a villain in a Tim Burton Batman movie

Normal at the beginning is a stretch

So why is the top of Artie's head purple? I wish science would study that guy, he has some serious issues going on.

He has undiagnosed full-blown AIDS.

His nose is destroyed by month 3

Nigga has onset Parkinson's disease.

Are you recording these on your phone?

What am I Kwin-tin Tarrantnino?

So you are using your phone.

yes fuck

Don't feel bad. Mr. Lucas has mentioned that there is better technology to make films on an iPhone than the equipment he had making Star Wars.

How could he say that; it took like 20 people to operate Jabba the Hutt.

I don't remember Jabba in the first film.

There really hadn’t been considerable strides in cinema tech from 76-82. It applies.

Wait. You don't need 20 people to operate an iPhone, what the fuck am I arguing about?

You do if they're 60 or older.

Isn't this how many people Bobby has on YKWD? Coincidence?

Ya know what duuude, ya got yer Gomorrean guards, ya got yer B'omarr Monk. BUUM, ya get yer little creature out of the fishbowwlll, smoke a pipe...

Damn nigga chill

What're you, his wife?

He's worse than my 3 year old.

But I bet he doesn't fuck as good!

Your three-year old is a heroin addict?

He kicked the habit. Unlike a certain co-host.

Just download OBS for fucks sake so you don't have to record your monitor with an iphone like an n-person.

Never doing this, ever again.

Stick to your shift at Dairy Queen or whatever the fuck you do.

It's almost like something is impeding his indoor vision.

Artie looks like fat joker

last one could've happen to any drunk

this post is a diamond in a sea of anti-cumias shit posts

Why do you scrub your post history?

That question answers itself.

why are you looking at my post history?

My attention was more focused to the guests in this collection of clips. it was like Night of 1,000 Stars or sumthin'.

He’s so fucking high

I don't know what kind of autism this is but it's an interesting form.

I think this is more straight up retardation.

Artie the retard.

Theory just came out of me like the spit of a child Joe Cumia, not a pedophile, pays.

Artie is a wack pack member. His schitck is old stories and hacky Cumia laughter. Think about it, trouble with steady employment, formerly on drugs, whores name or some self based on association with Stern.

ADD/ADHD makes you fidget and absent minded like this with shit you're holding.

My whole fucking life.

aaaaaaaaahhhhh hahahahahah

football in the groin.

football in the groin.

HAHAHAHAHA! Did you see that jerk! HAHAHAHAHA! He dropped his notes!

Stealing Colin Quinn's bit I see.

The fake laughter is on par with The Opie Show.

jesus artie...

I wonder if he will go to heaven

one of the most important videos ever made. /s

Classic Artie spilling water

its the best bit they got other than dueling fonzies

Next can you record a recording of yourself hanging on another phone

Artie spilled more bottled water in this video than I have in my entire life.

When Colin spilled the drink at Anthony's I had it printed out and signed by Colin then reupped it in high res for you guys.

I was called a Fag

Pipe down fag.

This year Ant spent more money on spilt water from one side of the studio to the other than you make.

He's like a human cat with those water bottles.