Things Ant will be rage tweeting about tonight (1/2)

50  2018-02-13 by RBuddCumia



Pretty crazy a leader of the #metoo movement and one who just testified about sexual abuse makes a sex object of herself and poses nearly naked for money and publicity.

This is the stupidest argument. Only the slimmest and lowest fucking retards would say this.

Joke's on you, I still beat off to Raisman's SI photos.

It's just a dick measuring contest for women. She is turned on by everyone knowing her abuse story and that is why she is getting naked now for photos. She is all very turned on by it all. As all these women are.

He'd still rather fuck the trans.

What the fuck is it with trannies and anime/japanese shit?


Is that your biggest issue with that picture?

Mental illness

Full Sue album here for anyone who wants it

She pulls it off well

Hmm I don't know how to feel about myself because after I clicked that I was sorta disappointed that it wasn't quite what you said.

hey the jerk store called

FUCK, i stopped jerking off back on Monday and now you throw THIS at me.

it was a good run


It doesn't count if me and my friend jerk each other off. Uhuru.

Of couse not, there are tons of exceptions. If you let a guy pound your butthole until you name five brands of cereal you are allowed to beat off while he does it under the faggot clause of the proudboys charter.

Proud of your boy

Im here to punch antifa and suck cock, and Im all out of antifa.

I'm tempted to do this just to see if it is bullshit. People say it gives them insane motivation and confidence.

the people who say this are most likely very sexually unhealthy or repressed, they are incapable of spontaneous arousal and therefore need to artificially induce it.

But it's only Tuesday today...oh I see what happened.

that's damn near flawless.

Great body, but the face is not at all my type to be honest.

How is that even possible?

She somehow has Ron Artest's face.

I am seeing some Neil DeGrasse?? Tyson in there too.


AntH really is an asshole when it comes to allowing his racism to cloud his judgment of beautiful women. I will never forget when he said that he likes them "pasty white" and that Rhianna was ugly.

Anthony literally thought Wrecking Ball era Miley Cyrus was the hottest woman ever

No woman in history has looked good with that haircut

Why? Mixing races is wrong.

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peak reddit

I think black women are hot, but I agreed with him on Rihanna. I think the chest tattoo ruins her for me. I do still enjoy pussy over penis though, which can't be said for Anthony.


Good god.

Mother of God.

I would still take Uptons milky tits

Oh god i love her. Those topless photos were so sloppy but delicious

Can we use this girl instead of Rihanna from now on?

I hate blacks and even I can agree she is hot.

Someone send this to Ant. I'm blocked.

I don't buy it. There is no straight man that wouldn't have sex with her. He's gay or he'd fuck her.

Those Congoid cheekbones are almost as big as those asscheeks.

I bet you fap to mannequins

What are you, some kind of goddamned homosexual queer?

Fact: the average black woman has about the same testosterone levels as the average white man. Black women are she-orcs by and large; the fact that you can find a handful of exceptions doesn’t disprove the generalization.

Got damn. Baby got back, am I right or am I right fellas?

Well, he is a homosexual.

If Burr's wife looked like this, I would give him a pass.

Come to Amsterdam. Girls like this are a dime a dozen. Except they're white and blonde.

I would actually kind of like to do that. Move there I mean. But I don't care for drugs or hookers. Still cool?

Anth in a couple hours: "Honestly, I prefer the trans"

I'd violently smooch this woman.

I DO enjoy a good side-boob.

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