I hate to defend Keith the Cunt but Kevin Brennan is an idiot.

4  2018-02-13 by Bonanza2020

Brennan quit because he wanted to do two shows a week and Keith said sure, but not for a couple of weeks until they have the additional staff trained and ready to go.

This is like the one instance of Keith acting appropriately, Kevin is just a retard.


Is that what happened? Tell me more.

This is what Keith said. Kevin will be on Jim and Sam tomorrow so he'll say his side. New MLC also out today but it may have been taped before this happened

Will Jimmy the Pussy allow him to criticize Keith, and thereby criticize Ant? Probably not.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Nice proofreading, stupid

Kevin jumped from a sinking ship. Smart move, I'd say.

Kevin thought the demand for a two day a week slot would be turned down. When it wasn't he still acted like an idiot. He did the same thing at RiotCast. He complained he did not understand what they wanted from him, but when they laid it out and tried to explain, he said he did not want to hear it. Next he joins The Compound saying he was finally getting paid. When contract time comes around again, it is the same contract, but they are willing to change it for him. But Kevin decides to be grumpy and vague once again. They are still sitting there wondering what is going on. Knowing Kevin he will say nothing to them, wait until they take his page off their site, then scream that they screwed him over. He is an impossible fool.