Time does men no favors

1  2018-02-13 by Sped_Daddy_V

Who would have expected this is how the O&A legacy would turn out?

-Anthony became a bitter old alt right man who has a show no one listens to anymore, still does voices from 90s movies and Andrew Dice Clay to himself. "He needed the money!"

-Opie became an insecure cuck who got fired from his own show, completely faded into obscurity. Prior to his firing he liked to pretend he was Ellen Degeneres on the radio

-Jim still has a show, but has become exactly what he used to mock. Still talks about having a family one day but forgets he is fucking 50 years old! Hypocritical, sensitive, and combative when a subject comes up that is personal to him

-Troy Quan still thinks he is cool for banging single moms and getting neck tattoos as he approaches his mid 40s

-Sam Roberts is the one who came out ahead once all the dust settled. Took over the show, has gigs with the WWE, stable life, etc. Who would have fucken thought? The most irritating guy on the show won

-Everyone on the cast is essentially killed off (E-Rock) :(


Why don't you just go and suck Sam's dick while you're at it?

I can't stand Sam. But it is obvious his conniving ways assisted in his success as everyone else on the show died off or got alzheimers (like Jim)

I think you're overestimating how much Sam makes. It's probably around 200-300k between all of his gigs. It's a good living, even for New York. But he didn't and never will cash in like Opie and Anthony did. They carried multimillion dollar contracts for years.

Also, radio is fickle. There's no guarantee Sam has a job in 3 years.

He's in with the WWE-crowd(even though he's hated by many wrestling fans), has his own podcast and will probably start a bi-weekly podcast with Jim if shit hits the fan.

J&S still has "fans" that will support them when Sirius XM replaces the show with 24/7 oldies.

The storm above Sam is incoming & he knows it.

Is it though? He hasn't really changed in the last 5-8 years. It is the same guy who just now has a radio show. I think people prefer Sam over modern day Opie anyway

No one who is that childish survives for long in the real world. Something heavy is going to fall on him and cave his skull in (metaphorically but I also hope literally).

Seriously, we don't strive to become mature adults as a random whim. It's because it's what you have to do survive. And survivors don't eat gummy bears for breakfast and continue to indulge in the same hobby they had when they were fucking six years old.

Someone in management will give him the ol' Pizza/Cheeseburger speech and the manbaby won't know how to handle it.

this is true. he is only on the radio because everyone else killed themselves off and he is cheap labor with (small) name recognition from the original O&A brand

Who would have expected that Ant would become a bitter racist fuckface, Opie would be insecure, Jim would become lazy, Troy Quan would commit murder, and Sam would be annoying still?


I wonder how many people listen to AA show daily. It would have to be quite a few to afford Artie's $750K salary

Ant is not alt right brutha man

You wanna fuck Sam,don't you.

no, I am not a homosexual

Is it though? He hasn't really changed in the last 5-8 years. It is the same guy who just now has a radio show. I think people prefer Sam over modern day Opie anyway

No one who is that childish survives for long in the real world. Something heavy is going to fall on him and cave his skull in (metaphorically but I also hope literally).

Seriously, we don't strive to become mature adults as a random whim. It's because it's what you have to do survive. And survivors don't eat gummy bears for breakfast and continue to indulge in the same hobby they had when they were fucking six years old.

Someone in management will give him the ol' Pizza/Cheeseburger speech and the manbaby won't know how to handle it.