Finally Beat the Game

100  2018-02-13 by OutlawMemer


You tried

Where's your con-tri-BU-tion? (said in Nick Dip's "The Soprano's" voice)

Nice wiseguy impersonation, stupid

You know I hate the way you make me fucking ride you...Now get the fuck outta here!

You really suck at video games, huh?

Ant - Speaking of sucking...


Anthony admitted to telling kids on Xbox Live about how much money he has whenever they would give him shit about how bad he is.

To which Patrice replied in disgust, 'You went the 'how much money I make' route?'

Too bad he won't have that to fall back on too much longer.

Nice knowledge of compound interest, stupid

Nice finance joke, stupid.

fawkin blood bath in here right now

Nice trying to cleanse yourself in blood, stupid

Nice shirt, stupid.

error error

Patrice said it, that makes it smart and meaningful, even though that verbatim quote would be given zero significance if literally any other person had said it

It's funny how everyone circle jerks about what a "real" and "smart" guy Patrice was, even though he was suspiciously silent on subjects like racial differences in IQ and interracial rape statistics


Keep cucking out over a black man who would never have given you the time of day, faggot

If I met him and he called me a sissy, it wouldn't make him less funny.

I didn't say he wasn't funny

No, you just said a lot of unfunny shit yourself.

???? You just said something unfunny too, because lie me, you weren't attempting to say something funny

RWA killing for us today

Please go on a Tranpa-esque tirade a out the blacks.

I was just arguing on here yesterday why the confederate flag is a racist symbol and shouldn't be displayed on government buildings

You can't comprehend having a nuanced view because it's above your intelligence level

Or maybe I don't follow every single thread on here. Who would?

Further proves that you're an idiot

And faggot as well

he was suspiciously silent on topics like racial differences in IQ and interracial rape statistics

this man is a troll

Is he?

Why do you think I'm trolling?

you're too good

Why did you quote that part in particular as trolling? Blacks do have lower IQs than whites. It's a fact uncontested in the scientific community

Yeah everyone knows that, i meant that you think patrice was "suspiciously silent" on it even though i dont remember that ever being brought up with him in studio

and if it was, "suspiciously silent" is a funny way to word a black guy not admitting blacks rape more or have lower IQs, so i have to assume it's intentionally stupid

If your elephant was standing in the room, wouldja tell him or just let him keep standing there?

On one of the tv shows where Patrice was defending free speech, they tried sort of cornering him on something(I forgot what it was exactly), but his reply was, paraphrasing, "man, I gotta go back and live with these people". Read from that what you will but it's not a terribly bright idea to completely bash a group/culture that you have to live around/in.

He can't buy hair with with all that money tho

Well, no... But he can pay to replace his dwindling stock of hair with his own pubes, apparently

He also said he fucks girls their age.

Which to a kid, is just alien and gross. Just like Tranpa.

Can you buy my tits and nier automata now?

Sue doesn't care about cars.

Sue commented on the picture of Anthony's picture of his Jag on Instagram. "I love riding in it." That comment was deleted the day this sub found out about "her".

This is all a ploy to get even better tits.

No, she meant Anthony's colon, not his car

Sue commented Anthony's picture of his Jag on Instagram. "I love riding in it."

She was talking about Ant's asshole.

"I love riding in it."

"She" was talking about Ant's asshole.

Do you think she actually rides in it a lot, or sat in it once and is embellishing? I feel bad for Sue sometimes. She's clearly mentally deranged, and isn't even a good looking tranny. And her poor dad, ugh.

Shut up, Missy.

Oh, its you. I don't typically read the usernames. It doesn't make a difference, since you're all the same person, really.

Saying that you feel bad for a mental patient who has permanently disfigured their body, and is constantly humiliating themselves and their family is irrefutable proof that I am, indeed, Missy. ONLY Ant's girlfriend could possibly look at Sue and think "You poor, dumb bastard. What have you done to yourself?"

If you're not his girlfriend, you're auditioning to be one. Your constant Ant ballwashing here is embarrassing.

I said I felt bad for Sue because she's mentally ill. Take your time, and point out to me exactly how that is me trying to be Ant's girlfriend and/or makes me guilty of ballwashing.

Looks like ALL of your posts are Anthony related. You even research court documents, cite articles about him, so much effort. It's like hundreds of psycho ex-girlfriends all pooling their resources.

yeah these people are really creepy. I dunno what's going on in this sub. If you call them out in one of their anti-cumia posts, you get -30 karma. I called them out in an unrelated post and got +12 karma. Definitely shenanigans going on.

You had something here. I don't know what the fuck you did with it but ya had something.

If Tranpa really were a video game character, his sprite would be spazzing out and jumping all over the place so bad people would think the game is broken.

Spend the first 3 levels melee-fighting because you can't find the gun.

Bite is his desperation attack

I’ve never beat Super Mario Bros

Let's get real. He would be chucking barrels

You know Ant made Sue blow him whilst speeding and listening to Sister Christian.

You can suck cock in America, all day, all night!

Or maybe I don't follow every single thread on here. Who would?

Further proves that you're an idiot

No, you just said a lot of unfunny shit yourself.