Kevin Brennan: there something wrong with him?

6  2018-02-13 by OpiesInnerCircle

I have enjoyed the guy on the many incarnations of Opie & Anthony, but, every time I turn around, it seems that he's purposely trying to do something to burn bridges and derail his career. Do you think he has mental issues? Is it a gimmick?


Yes there is. It is what makes him funny but a career hazard.

Is it a gimmick?

He's bland and overall brings nothing memorable to the table. Once he figured out that he could get attention by being an unbearable cunt, he just pushed in all his chips on that whole act as a last ditch effort to be known.

Kevin Brennan v Jimmy Martinez

Kevin should just take a mic round to volatile celebs/semi-celebs & provoke them on this level.

that would be good actually. He could do a youtube show of him harassing comics outside of comedy clubs.

That's his shtick

Didn't Patrice do the same thing in a lot of ways? Not saying they are equal talent-wise, but he burned some bridges as well by not playing the game

Mental issues? In 2018 anyone who isn't a Corporate Bitch has mental issues? The reason old O&A was great is cause they didn't give a fuck. Artie Lange is the biggest suck-hole of the bunch and look what all his money is bringing him.

It's the corporations maaaaaaan.

FAWKIN’ management

He's a hack. Who gives a shit?

He's bipolar and going on these shows expose that.

Kevin brennan is a genius for fucks sake..yet his gay brother is more famous.

No, but he's a little too hot under his collar.

Go away and hang yourself, Kevin!

He's a stupid gay old man who decided that being an edgelord was going to be his "thing."

Basically RapistWithAIDS but semi-famous.