Kevin Brennan proves you do not need heroin to be self destructive

0  2018-02-13 by sexylarrytate

Kevin thought he would ask for two shows a week, get turned down then he could say "forget it". Instead they said "OK, just let these two engineers finish their training and you can do 2 shows". Kevin's answer? "Uh, well forget it". Kevin is just jealous of Artie making more money than him wanted an excuse. Meanwhile he gets suspended from twitter for calling some guy a cunt.


I'd be pissed-off to be getting paid less than Artie does for his sub-par ramblings, I understand he has a legacy & brings subs - but Keith's too stupid to explain that. Also I don't blame Kevin for not trusting compound to deliver.

he gets suspended from twitter for calling some guy a cunt.

You're a cunt. x

He may have better offers? Or start his own podcast. From what I recall compound media doesn't pay well unless you used to be on howard stern

I'm pro whoever is vs Cumia's rat face. Go this other guy!

They both entertain me and I want them both on there. Kevin screwed up his RiotCast gig by being demanding yet vague. He has done it again. He could have had beginning date of is first 2 day week written in the contract. No problem.

Talent neither

You seem like a Compound Media loving nerd. Fuck off

Sorry, I'm fucking IN tonight. Tsssss