So gang, did Gavin accompany his little proud boy "Phalanx" against ANTIFA?

0  2018-02-13 by disawayisthrows

Or did he bitch out?

And yes, he refers to the proud boys as a phalanx, Jim Norton sucking an AIDS infected tranny dick is less gay than that but it is what it is.


Shit got too real for Gavin so he disowned the Proud Boys.

He's a mess. Last time he farted he could only name 3 types of cereals, the beating was tremendously gay

Phalanx? Tss tss how about did Gavin accompany his flamelurker or sumthin

Erik "Adjudicator" Nagel

a.k.a Smough a.k.a Covetous Demon a.k.a Ceaseless Discharge

Gavin's busy taking on CNN with his successful internet gay shows

I think he meant "phallus".

Proud Boys (1987) * Drama/musical - Matthew Broderick stars in this coming-of-age film about a high school theater toupe's attempts to address the AIDS crisis through song. With Crispin Glover, Ally Sheedy, Michael-Anthony Hall and John Ritter as Mr. Mulvey. R, sexual situations, adult language, frontal nudity (95 min)

I don't understand anything you just did said.

a.k.a Smough a.k.a Covetous Demon a.k.a Ceaseless Discharge