Jimmy "No Personality" Nortantino

35  2018-02-13 by RapistWithHIV


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Is the exaggerated hand gestures just an American thing?

I think it's a director thing & Jim saw someone more talented than him doing it & decided he'd add it to his repertoire of phoniness.

Don't be fucking retarded. Those two creeps don't represent us.

Yes they do.

Nah, Jim has a lot of Nordic in him

About 9"

When don't have a confident grasp of the language most people use hand gestures as a subconscious effort to distract from their fumbling sentences aka bullshit

its a sexual deviant thing

Maybe more an Italian thing, and its rubbed off on New Yorkers of all backgrounds?

I talk with my fists..: if u kno what Im sayin

You masturbate to communicate?

You’re Anthony after six beers and a xanny?

The .gif file format just wasn’t designed to handle this much blinking.

Whoever on here said about Opie that he was like an alien who landed on Earth & just did his best to emulate normal human characteristics he sees in others, I think the same applies to Norton. Did he do these bizarre over-animated hand gestures years ago? If not then it had to be learned from someone else.

Also, he really does try to show off his new & 'improved' arms. Back when Norm was on O&A before being kicked off by the Worm himself, fat Norton said he purposely wore loose clothes (wigger Jim) to hide his doughiness. Well ever since he received an unfavourable AIDS diagnoses, he wears the shortest sleeved dad rock t-shirts available, all the time. He's been on Ant's multi-cam public access show a bunch of times with his arms crossed leaning forward visibly posing & flexing them. Disgusting.

It's hard to think of a person less genuine than Jim Norton. Opie & Ant are at least committed to their bozo personas, but Jim is just a personality blood sucker who will emulate anyone for perceived personal gain. I can't say I care for him.

Did he do these bizarre over-animated hand gestures years ago?

He actually did. Check out Hands McGillicuddy here. That's from 2011.

Not quite as bad as this but still infuriating.

Well ever since he received an unfavourable AIDS diagnoses, he wears the shortest sleeved dad rock t-shirts available, all the time. He's been on Ant's multi-cam public access show a bunch of times with his arms crossed leaning forward visibly posing & flexing them.

I've noticed this too and it drives me insane. He usually does it with a super smug look on his face too. I can't stand "modicum of confidence" Jimmy

He usually does it with a super smug look on his face too. I can't stand "modicum of confidence" Jimmy


Those guns are suspiciously hairless. Is he shaving them to highlight their impressive definition?

Mommy didn’t hug little Jimmy enough so now he will do anything for praise. That ends up with him on a stage begging people to laugh at him and on a radio show imitating everyone’s personality. He’s the male equivalent of a 19 year old stripper.

That's how some describe a psychopath. Emulating emotion they see in others.

he's an E list actor now, all his hand gestures are completely genuine and not at all the result of some strange therapy or acting coach in his ear

Opie is genuinely autistic, so he copies mannerisms from other people because he doesn't know how to be a person on his own. Opie's problem is a deeply mental one that will never be fixed.

Form Worm, I think it's all about him trying to constantly climb the Hollywood ladder of likability. Everything he does screams "Please like me!" It's why he dropped the surly tough guy, Collin Quinn ripoff and is a much more sensitive, 21st century modern day worm. It's very calculated to achieve maximum likability.

Whoever said that about Opie is also a faggot for just reiterating what all of Reddit says about Tommy wiseau

I hate Jim Norton now.

You’re a little late. This worm has been hateable for a while now.

Yeah but Tarantino is on cocaine

I know it's unpopular here, but I've hated Tarantino ever since I grew up. In 1998, I loved him. After 2003 I can't stand him or his movies.

Same here. He fucking stinks and Django was one of the worst films off all time.

You can have your opinion but if you genuinely believe anything Tarantino has made is the worst film ever you're fucking retarded. His films are pretentious, yes, but they are far from the worst things ever made in Hollywood.

I like his old movies, but I really haven't had any interest in anything he's done since Kill Bill. And even that I really have no desire to ever rewatch. He's always had his particular ode/rip-off style of old exploitation movies but I just feel like he went overboard with it in the past decade or so.

Hand gestures are infuriating but so are his pontificating facial expressions. That is one homely man.

homo*, man.

Yep: That too

Faggy Brown

I was sitting around with a bunch of comics last night (eat it, civilians!!!), and we were all lamenting the loss of Jim Norton. Everyone was like "what happened to that guy." We were talking about him like he was dead; he kind of is.

We now have "Pet Semetary" Jimmy; a sad, grotesque shell of what he used to be.

Were ya?

A lot of us got into comedy or into stand up because of James Norton. He is no longer that man. It's sad. It's like being a Who fan when you were 16, and then going to see them now.

"Absolutely crying right now..."

Shut up, you self referential faggot.

That doesn't really make any sense in this context, but alright. (I knew if I said anything about "hanging out with comics" Id get in trouble. I cant help it god damn it, it's what happened. I didn't say I was good.)

damn tarantino really dresses like shit for an effeminate hollywood nancy

Hipster Pat Cooper