"Why can't I find love?"

94  2018-02-13 by Bizzyguy


"Why don't 20 year old girls wanna fuck me if not paying them?"


Jom Morton

Jim Postmortem

Jimmy Small Eyes

You're 50 Jim, stop dressing like a fucking asshole. At least fix the things about yourself that you can actually fix.

How should a 50 year old dress?

Are maroon pants and t-shirts from Target out of the question?

This particular 50 year old?

A fashionable rope necklace secured to a sturdy beam would be a good start.

now that's a little to morbid for this place, dont you think?

like Samcro, obviously!

Kinda looks like a thin Big A

Thin A

Dress like a fucking adult, you fucking loser. Shirts with collars > band t-shirts.

When I was 25, my girlfriend sat me down and basically insisted that I get a new wardrobe. Up until that point, I thought it was "cool" to run around in black Levis and a Ministry t-shirt.

At 25, I was about five years too old to dress like Big Jay Oakerson. What's Jim Norton's excuse?

A woman had to help you dress

When I dressed like a goth, nobody but goth chicks would give me the time of day. At the time, I dressed that way because I loved the music and I wanted everyone to know it.

The really depressing part is that I know people who are pushing 50 who dress like Jay Oakerson, every day.

Haha, you're such a fag.

It's not even "band t-shirts".

He wears Sabbath and AC/DC shirts. These are legendary bands, and I love to listen to them while washing my car, but they sell shirts for them in the youth section of Walmart. That's a little lame for a 50 year old radio host in the biggest city in the Western World.

There's no complexity to Jim, none. No tact. He doesn't seem deep at all despite being a fruit living in a metropolitan city, who can't eat an apple an intern gives him without bitching about it.

it makes sense what you say. all the time he coulda spent developing a personality and character he's spent edging to tranny porn and payin for gay sex.

It's still insane to me that a person who claims to be this tortured, like, his biggest statement to the world is "Fuckin' Ozzy man."

I don't think Opie is Chip. I think deep down, Jim is Chip.

Jim is not entirely likeable

he's hip and with it!

Wait a minute. The pic is obviously Jim Norton. Someone photoshopped the pic to make him look like he has Downs Syndrome.

Wait a minute. Fuck you.

Don't get your panties in a bundle there princess

Nice of you to make him look more human

The Nortster

The Jimster

He’s got the music-fan identity of someone who does not actually listen to music, just like Stern. the heydays of the bands he likes are perfectly enjoyable, all 3 of them

I find this very unsettling because it looks like me

You poor soul.

I wan't loveeee, in all my holes

Can't eat nothing, my egg white's cold

A man like me is frail and broken

Can't get a "girl" unless I pay in tokens

I wannnt love! Just an awkward kind!

I want love though I'm not clean, And she needs to look like Mary Jean

I want love, where I don't have to pay, that's a love I want, I'mmmm aaaaaa wormmmm.

What? Yer phone crapped out at the end, there.

Beautiful boy.

Burning ringworm of fire

I really enjoyed how when stanhope was on cumia he insulted the worm saying you lost all that weight and you're working out all the time but you're still ugly as fuck right to his face casually.

He should forget watching his weight like a bitch and also try putting on some actual muscle while at the gym. I just had a realization that Jim has been sober since he was 16 and will be sober for the rest of his life. What a boring fool.

He could totally relapse any day though. It’s a struggle every day.

You made big a

blind as a worm

God that's terrifying

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Im a John. Heres the Cash.

Because he craves drinking men's urine on or because he likes to be extremely detailed about pedophilia "jokes"?

Why or buy,you chinless cocksucker.

Nice Target Johnny Cash shirt quiff.


Are maroon pants and t-shirts from Target out of the question?

This particular 50 year old?

A fashionable rope necklace secured to a sturdy beam would be a good start.

like Samcro, obviously!

You poor soul.