The closest Ant will ever come to the moon.

22  2018-02-13 by TinKnockinMoroccan


something something mirror.

At some point Cumia Senior said something about the moon and it's been ingrained into his sons minds ever since

Something very bad happened to Lil’ Ant’ny on July 20, 1969.

So this is why he’s so infatuated with that shitty moon landing bit, I could just see this fuck on Stormfront threads getting all his nuggets of information

Hidden Diddlers

OJ Simpson has a better chance of making it onto the moon than Spaceman Cumia.

I can’t believe I actually bought a signed copy of this, I should murdered by a colored

Oh god.

humblebrag of a 'real fan'

....was nuzzling his face into Sue's hairless behind?

Well of course, there’s no Nike print on the moon motherfucker. White men. White men.

Is putting a black guy in blackface not redundant?

Well is face has the same surface texture as the moon.

Second joke I was going to say Talk about moon crickets

Oh god.

humblebrag of a 'real fan'