Proud Boys are gay, but if one of them can knock you on your ass with a left jab you can see coming, then you're beyond hopeless

82  2018-02-13 by CONCHOPETEghostcock


Eat more soy you willowy commie fruit

It’s hard to see punches coming with ski goggles on.

These antifa soybeans cant lay someone out with a running sucker punch but you sneeze on them and and the drop like grandma getting her hat removed

True. But it’s cos-players on both sides. There’s no real need for any of these cunts to be fist fighting on the streets, even if one group is better at it than the other. 100% of them are faggots, and the Proud Boys lower themselves to Antifa’s level every chance they get.

It makes me rethink german weimar republic. When commie and nazis were street fighting, it was fags vs. Homos

It's real life Jerry springer and I enjoy watching it. That said, antifa weirdos dress up as ninjas and preach communism and anarchism. Nobody comes close to their brand of crazy.

beating up faggots and women is actually quite enjoyable.

Just women. Both people hit were girls. lol

I would be lying if I said I didn’t thoroughly enjoy seeing that girl go down like a twig house in a tornado.

I am just blown away that it took someone that fat to just knock a girl down

The tall one was a girl too? Ha

lol he only does any damage to girls.

They were attacked by people wearing masks, carrying batons and pepper spray. Proud boys blow, but they aren’t in the same league of shitbaggery as the pinkos dressed like Snake Eyes.

In this, and many instances, absolutely. But I recently saw a video with Proud Boys agitating some Planned Parenthood activists, who weren’t masked or violent (initially), just hectoring them about abortion and looking for a fight. The whole thing has become so generalized and muddy, they’re all just culture war cos-players in my book, but what the hell do I know.

Oh they are definitely assholes themselves. But hectoring baby killers is a lot different from hitting someone with a baton and pepper spraying them over an argument. Not saying the assholes on the right and haven’t done that before - I just see it a lot more often from these type of masked Marxists.

How can they venerate the housewife if she aborts her child? Shinkle bout it...

Fair point

Wtf you think fag boys are there for? They're not bystanders.

Well to argue and to harass is different from beating and spraying. When the proud boys do that, it’s just as shitty. You act like I don’t think the proud boys are cunts. They’re cunts. But we’re talking about specific incidents. In this particular incident, the shits in masks were in the wrong. When the proud boys hit people they’re arguing with, they’re in the wrong, too.

Several of the antifa dressed in all black were clearly women based on the shape of their hips. Dykes are apparently stupid enough now, to think they have any sort of business confronting men.

and your lady bangs covering your eyes

I saw this on twitter earlier... That big Samoan nigga ain't no proudboy .. the faggots in black and yellow polo shirts running around him like faggots are proudboys


I don't know about that. I saw a different video yesterday and he was hanging out with the Proud Boys.

This cosplay street protest is embarrassing for America.

tiny runs with the proudboys up there around seattle.

No he is; he's the guy leading the marches lately on the west coast, screaming "UHURU" at the top of his lungs.

I saw him In a couple diff videos

The big Samoan guy is "Tiny" and he definitely runs with the Proud Boys...he's clearly also wearing a "Patriot Prayer" hoodie as well.

They're both as retarded as each other

Yes. At least one side can throw a punch. Still gay tho

Not really. At least the meatheads show their faces. Antifa is the lowest form of life.

It’s a little weird that they don’t considering that nobody has lost their job for being on the left in like forty years

pepper spraying folk and striking them with objects is not indicative of being "on the left", you silly billy.

What is this argument? Are you trying to say that Antifa aren’t left wing?

false equivalency

antifa are way faggier and retarded than the shame boys

whether or not the fat guys are homos themselves, the generic foot soldier looking crew did start it by spraying them. it’s funny how they instigate violence but then look so out of place when it gets physical. their answer to getting punched is having their designated dyke mother step in. maybe if she says “that’s NOT ok” loud enough they will be able to spray people they don’t like without any recourse.

THAT'S NOT OK!!!!!!!!!!!1

I get it, the Proud Boys are somewhat douchey, but they're consistently the more level-headed of the lot.

These preppies seem to be reasonable and act defensively until the threat is neutralized. I've never seen them actually provoke an engagement.

Somewhat douchey? They're huge faggots and failures for not beating up more ANTIFA dorks.

Theyre fags because of people like Brian Wray and his burn victim cuck buddy. Gavin is so close to being 100% right on a lot of things but he ruins it with by going over the top gay with this movement

That's because Gavin mixes in humor which people take as serious since he is sometimes serious.

Not that I give a fuck, but everyone saying "proud boys" sounds gay seem to have missed the part about Gavin specifically using that name because it is from a Lion Kings song song by a flamboyantly gay guy.

I'll agree with that. Gavin is actually pretty smart despite the rest of the proud boys being so gay

*Aladdin (don't judge, I had to google. hah)

Mistake number one was naming it 'Proud Boys'. It sounds like a fucking gay porn studio.

I know he was trying to be meta/ironic with the name and probably didn't think it would actually go anywhere, but now that it's an actual movement it's just ball-achingly cringe and drags down their message.

i love how when they get hit, iphones go flying everywhere

It reminds me of GTA 4 ragdoll physics where you punch a pedestrian and their coffee cups fly out dramatically

"Channel your indignation where it belongs"

That sums it up well. They're masked armed with pepper spray and batons, from what I saw, incited the mele, then when faced with consequence cry victim.

Very satisfying to watch. A microcosm of their politics.

That's why I can't stand these faggots.

"We hate cops! Cops are killers! AHHH CALL THE COPS HELP!"

It just proves to me that Antifa are an overblown threat that the Trumpsters like to use to continue their stupidity.

Excuse me sir. This is no place for your political stupidity. That is not ok.

Do you cosplay as a protester as well?

dear nigger, you know this is might be the wrong sub for you. how did you find it? cumtown or some leftie shit?

I couldn't think of a more boring subject than politics

Say something funny

It just proves to me that Antifa are an overblown threat that the Trumpsters like to use to continue their stupidity.

Leave it alone

Nobody considers a bunch of skeletons in masks a threat outside of D&D sessions. Antifa are basically these

Video linked by /u/deepdarkz:

Title Channel Published Duration Likes Total Views
"Skeleton Warriors" (Opening) [High Quality] Roman Pictures 2012-11-27 0:01:10 2,920+ (99%) 272,423

Info | /u/deepdarkz can delete | v2.0.0


skeletons only have 1d8 hit points YOU DOPE

It's actually the left that over blows the threat of the ProudBoys. Seriously, have you listened to the NPR special on the Proudboys? It is hilarious. The media was looking for a scapegoat, and the Proudboys fit the narrative. So they hyped them up to be the new Neo-Nazis.

A.C.A.B !!!! A.C.A.B !!!

10 minuteS later...


fuck the police police please help

like pottery

yeah that part was bad

I agree 100%. But the fact is people who hide their faces and instigate violence from a pedestal of acceptance and liberal thought should be in line to be gutted before anyone.

Her getting socked in the ear made me chuckle heartily

Im not a big fella and Ive never been in a physical fight in my adult life but I could beat those weirdos up like a walkthrough videos game

They're tutorial level opponents.

They don't even seem to fight, they just fall back and stretch their arms out to make distance.

Yall white boys need to tighten up. You’re really making it way too easy to fuck your women.

Implying that white women are “our women” is incredibly problematic sir. The only person a woman belongs to is herself. Your bigotry will not be accepted and I hope you get raped.

The black population in America has stayed pretty steady from 10-15% for the past 300 years. Even though any bi-racial person is counted fully as "black". So it definitely doesn't seem as though you are fucking many white women in America. Maybe rich NBA players are fucking quality white women. And maybe some white trash fat white women are fucking some black guys. But the average white woman is not.

designated dyke mother step in

Apparently that's part of the drill, they did a similar thing,even more coordinated when that antifa college proffesor slammed some random guy with a giant bikelock upsie his head at that Berklley protest last year. They put the "women" in front spring up from the rear and then fuck off so you have to either blast through them or punch some chick to get to the bikelock guy. lose-lose.

I will also preface this that Proud Boys are gay.

However, Antifa really are made up mostly of kids who couldn't fight and were bullied. They really shouldn't be involved in instigating street fights because when confronted, they resort to their "picked on" kid whiny behavior.

There have been a bunch of these videos lately. It's just pure beauty.

Any more? Ive been out of the loop

why the fuck would an antifa page post that lol

Parody account

They've turned wearing all black and a balaclava from a scary thing into basically a furry costume

The proud boys just moved up a notch with this. Good for them. Look at those lefty weirdoes wearing masks. Bunch of assholes.

Proud Boys are gay but I'll never insult them for fighting these assholes. That's a job well done.

They look they do extreme crossfit.

They're a Socal lifting/mma alt right club.

They look like they couldn't fight out of a wet paper bag


Clearly lean more heavily into the “social” than the “lifting/mma” part. And into each other sweet sweet fuckholes.

Not 'social', dumbass, SoCal -- Southern California.

don’t be rude :(


Even gayer

I guarantee you anyone of those guys would knock your teeth out faster than that fat Mexican above was smacking those Antifa dorks.

Oh do ya?

I'm sure you could arrange that with one of them if you try hard enough.

Thanks but I'm not gay

Yeah, they would have to DODGE them or sumthin'

if they moved up, all those assholes should have been damasked due to bloody noses. ive never seen a gayer fight with an opportunity of a real beat down missed. the proud boys are fags, who has time for this?

No one is truly praising the proud boys. Not really. They are shit, just less shit than the shit that thought “that is not cool!!!” should matter.

it's really funny to me how they try and "dress the part" by just wearing all black with colored ski goggles because they've seen people like that in movies and video games who are badass.

they have absolutely no reference for what they're doing and could not be more out of place trying to terrorize people. they're gonna cringe the fuck out of themselves in about a year when they look back at this.

Maybe. But look at the way hippies ended up romanticizing their era, when they were all worthless douchebags who had (some) fine ideals but got nothing done. These idiots will probably do the same thing.

The Freedom of Information Act was pretty good. The hippies got a few things right.

So? Even the actual Nazis got a few things right

Dont short sell the acheivments of the third reich

I mean, the architecture alone...

banning the poaching of wolves comes to mind.

Yes, unfortunately their tyrannical government and over-engineered weapons put a damper on their perfect solution

Actually it was mostly due to their lack of a solid military plan, and old Adolf surrounding himself with yesmen.

Operation Barbarossa was the big mistake. I mean obviously you want to defeat the Communists but maybe hold their Eastern European territories for a few more years before throwing a bunch of troops toward snowy Russia.

That’s a nice thing to say but they would’ve been hard pressed to continue the war without opening another border. Gotta get that sweet Panzer fuel. If they didn’t invade Russia they maybe could’ve gone into Arabia... but ultimately that just wasn’t feasible.

The best strategy would probably have been to stop after the Anchluss of Austria, find some way to be considered a legitimate nation on the world stage, then launch a proxy war or something similar in Arabia. But you’d need to know more about geopolitics than I do to make that work.

Ideally they would have focused on the African and ME front. Capturing the Suez Canal, exploiting Indian Nationalism, and securing a supply route of oil from Iran, would have been optimal to trying to secure oil fields deep in Russia

Straight out of Watch_dogs 2

Literally LARPing as revolutionaries.

"Hey, hey, hey! What the fuck, man?! That's not how you LARP! You're ruining our fun! Not cool!"

Like, they totally ruined the vibe man... like.. just chill out dude and lets beat, on like... some trash cans man.

God I want these homos to come to Baltimore so badly, it'd be the greatest mass murder the worlds ever seen

They dont go within 25 miles of actual black people

Savvy financial decision...

Neither does Antifa, so it all works out.

Lol. Never thought I'd root for the proud boys in anything but god damn are these antifa kids fucking insufferable. Bunch of LARPING cunts.

When’s the part where Gavin pees on a book?

After he crams it up his ass.

I do enjoy watching Antifa get beat up, though. It's annoying when they start the shit and act like they didn't. Plus, they're out of their league, fighting jacked-up Proud Boys, simply from a size perspective. Proud Boys vs. BLM is a different story, tho.

Most of blm are white faggot college kids too.

BLM or any of these kill whitey groups and Islamists aren't any diff than Antifa, they're hotshots when numbers are on their side nd especially when the police/authorities are proctecting them, but when they encounter equal force, it's always retreat to safety and cry that you were wronged by the "system," the very same which not only tolerated, but even supported their bullshit in the first place. I grew up in the hood, that fat Mexican who got all aggressive would make even the toughest of some of gangsters that grew up there run and scream for cover in a one on one scenario. These people are cowards by nature, which is why they live in shit. If they had any conviction, honor, self-respect or fight in them they'd behave more like Koreans, Japs, or Sikhs, but alas they're just parasites hiding behind a broken system which is solely responsible for their survival.

Or fight like Kurds who are pretty badass in their hatred and killing of ISIS.

Yessum. That's another great example. I remember seeing a picture of this beautiful Kurd girl wielding an AK with trigger discipline and all, on the front lines fighting ISIS. She was eventually killed, but during the time the media here was too busy heroically portraying our Leftist women here marching around with Pussy hats and welcoming Jihadi invaders. If these faggots, cunts, and degenerate subhuman third worlders are the measure of prosperity and gonna topple " the patriarchy,' they're gonna be in for a very rude surprise as things keep collapsing. As someone who was apolitical virtually my whole life, I can't even begin to imagine what these people are possibly thinking.

Well that's the whole thing, isn't it? "The enemy of my enemy is my friend". Islam makes daddy uncomfortable, which is what they want. But if anything; Islam will just enhance the "patriarchy", as in; they thought it was bad before, well....

I have to disagree with you on BLM being all pussies. Yes, the soy boys are mixed in, but I also watch a lot of WorldStar Fight Comps with BLM showdowns: A good amount of the idiots showing up to the big rallies are just as swole as that Mexican PB. And they love their sucker punches. So the tides turning on the PB's in a one-on-one match is likely.

I never said they were all pussies. They have some legit nuts amongst their ranks like that dude who went on that rampage in Dallas, and we all know how far Islamists are willing to go to fight their "oppression." That said, these assholes are galvanized by the rampant White guilt, PC politics, and extreme protection they're afforded by LE and the governments. There's a reason you don't see these Leftist protests in Dixie or in Eastern Europe.

Cool, now they go rap like faggots in front of a police station to pretend they are cops in their 1996 Olympics jackets.

The enemy of my enemy is....still pretty gay apparently

If you leave your house where there is cheese and blankets you're fucking gay.

That was highly enjoyable. I liked the shit talking at the end.

"are you guys OK?"


I want to agree, but whenever I try I just hear that skin graft faggot singing the uhuru song.

It seems like they dont let people in their little group if they arent over 5'3"

Did you remember to venerate the entrepreneur brother?

If it's not a cult, why do they sound like Scientologists?

I'm new here, who are the proud boys? are they the same as the Philly Crew?

Same guys.

proud boys are mostly mixed race mystery meat queers LARPing as white Chads.

I searched reddit subs for this video to get a diverse perspective. Here's a gem from the Anarchism sub

Scarpetti / Egoist / Post-Left 1 point 38 minutes ago I see a learning experience from this, not necessarily a defeat. I don't wanna get into machismo territory, but when it comes to street fighting, its important that you and your comrades are prepared for combat both physically and mentally. Our enemies don't hesitate to take care of themselves and neither should we. That means abstaining from unnecessary substances, eating healthy and frequently, bodybuilding and so on. Before rushing off to the first anti-fascist rally you see, maybe consider getting together with your friends to go on a hike and lift weights. Or maybe try buying (or stealing) some boxing gloves and sparring with some comrades to see if you like the taste of combat. I know that some of these things won't be available to everybody, as they can take valuable time and resources, but I still think its important to consider nonetheless.

If the whole violence and combat aspect of anti-fascism isn't for you, that's absolutely fine, there are many aspects of anti-fascist work that don't even involve street combat. Going to rallies without bloc and handing out anti-fascist literature to liberals and socialists for instance, is just as important as taking up the mask and physically confronting far-right agitators. But know that if you do decide to bloc up, our enemies will interpret that as a sign that your ready to fight, and they won't hesitate to throw a punch.

Anachist: Going to the gym and eating better

Funny shit right here, Made me loff out loud

he can’t even pretend to take a side except between bottom and top

That place is fantastic, they're very helpful too. I ask good questions

[–]humanmeat[F] 3 points 15 minutes ago eating healthy

Do you have any good recipes before confronting fascists?

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[–]Scarpetti [+1]/ Egoist / Post-Left 1 point 5 minutes ago* Good question. For amoral meat eaters, I would suggest chicken (or fish), paired with rice and a good amount of broccoli. For vegans, replace the meat with beans, chia seeds, peas or lentils. As long as you get your proteins, starches and veggies in there, you should be good. If you notice that your still not growing despite constant eating and exercise, it might be better to throw in some protein shakes.

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They are somehow gayer than the proudboys. Quite an achievement

eat enough protein and lift

Yea they won't do that.

scarpetti those weren’t recipes

buying (or stealing) some boxing gloves

They take their movement about as seriously as a Roadrunner/Coyote cartoon or a videogame. They truly believe that stretching and putting on boxing gloves is going to 'level-up' their streetfighting attribute.

I'd like to know why stealing was worth mentioning

Is it against their code to buy something in a capitalist system as in investment in it's overthrow? I mean don't these people understand return on investment?

Fawk yeah, stealing!

It’s so that nobody says “what if I’m too poor to afford boxing gloves, fascist

It's literally because some fuck would leave a reply along the lines of:

"This is good advice and all, but I would just add that we should not be encouraging participation in the capitalist system, so instructing comrades to 'buy' boxing gloves which were most likely manufactured by a corporation like Everlast using oppressive slave labor is NOT really helpful. If a comrade requires boxing gloves I would suggest finding a local boxing collective that makes their own gloves or has used pairs for barter. If that isn't an option in your area, stealing your gloves from a retailer is preferable, as every loss is another blow to the system. Don't forget what Trotsky said -- there are no small revolutionary actions."

I think you nailed it, thanks comrade

Yes, it is, they're fucking commies man... MAHN!

What worthless pieces of shit. This post is basically adressing that they need to course correct after realizing theyre all 5'1" gender ambiguous nothings.

I love the delusion. It also comes from movies. That all they need to do to win a streetfight is eat well, bodybuild and meditate until they realize there's no spoon. [Here's an MMA fighter actually killing a

Is he dead?

Did he died?

maybe consider getting together with your friends to go on a hike and lift weights

Who wants to hike a mountain and then do some wicked curls with me? I heard building muscle happens overnight and increased your fighting skill!

what little fucking retards

Anarchism might be the only ideology where no one who identifies as such is in actuallity an anarchism. They are literally communists,at leat 95% of them,with some libertarians mixed in. You will never ever see a group of people more in love with the state than the people who are supposedly against the state.

They are the last people who should want a lawless society. Without government protection they are cattle to be slaughtered.

No wonder they get fucking pummeled out there.

"Gather up a few of your closest biffles and go for a hike on a nice day!" Great fight prep advice.

how do you manage to be 6 feet tall but under 90 pounds???

have to love white, middle-class college 'anarchists' with face masks asking for the "authorities" to be called.

Drugs probably. A lot of these antifa groups really scrape the bottom of the barrel.

This likes like a bunch of teenagers trying to film Power Rangers with an iPhone that one of them stole from their mother’s purse

Fat mexicans pretending to be white guys vs tiny white lesbians pretending to care about mexicans are fighting it out on the streets. Weirdest shit ever.

Welcome to 2017-18

Faggot on Faggot crime.

All these people and all these videos are pure gay.

i love these videos.. any more like it ?

I would laugh less if I saw a video of 10 retards trying to hump a doorknob

Literally hitler

Say what you want about the Proud Boys but they go around doing what they do with no masks or anything. Look at the idiots who got beat up covered from head to toe in bodysuits and masks. Fuck them. I feel slightly bad because he beat the shit out of a girl who had no business getting in a physical fight with that guy but hey if she wants to play ball thats on her.

Equal rights means equal lefts. Hey-oh!

gotta say, i enjoy antifa getting a beatdown.

you know they're some privileged fags from seattle pretending to be revolutionaries.

Women are helpful... NOT!!!!!!!!!!

Heyheyhey. Stop.


He touched maaaay!


Like ugh why are you beating me up right now ??


Haha! Love seeing antifa get a beat down.

lol it took ten fatasses

lol holy shit, towards the end of the video you can tell the masked person they knocked down... WAS A CHICK....

big guy called her a dumb bitch about 55 seconds in

also- her boots at .03 seconds into the video is a dead giveaway

lol this whole clip rules

Whatareyoudoingwhatareyoudoingwhatareyoudoingwhatareyouding SMACK. women are just the worst people to be around in a fight

antifa vs proud boys? Lmao

that squawking dyke getting boxed in their brillopad ear and then cowering for the rest of the video is beyond priceless

I like how these faggots wearing all black with "batons" and pepper spray at the end try to ask the other guys to "Go your separate ways"

Ski masks and goggles wearing all black, fucking queers. They deserve to be culled

Why do these Antifa people think they can fight? They look paler versions of those African kids you see in commercials, except less sympathetic. Take one karate class if you want to learn how to fight.

It must be embarrassing for ANTIFA to get beat up in their own liberal towns and campuses. Imagine the scene if they rocked up in a republican town.

It's also funny that the Proud Boys have more diversity here then Antifa does. Antifa is supposedly anti racist, yet they are all pale, malnourished white kids. Proud Boys are the Nazis, yet they have an angry Samoan knocking everybody out.

That's what these people and their "allies" in the New Left don't understand. They live in their far Left liberal cities or under the protection of a Marxist regimes, like Muslims, Africans, and other assorted "victim " groups in Europe, never stopping for one second to consider this is all being tolerated by actual White Power and other right wing conservative nationalist groups who are well organized, well armed, very angry, disciplined, prepared, and willing to wipe all life from this planet if need be. And these are the same type of people who are being provoked and radicalized with each PC hit piece and Marxist law/precedent that gets passed. If and when the SHTF, these type of people are going to be playing around and they're not looking to take any prisoners or have mercy of anyone who's pissed them off ver the last few decades.

Fighting is a stupid thing to do, but it's even worse when you have no itegrity

People keep posting these to make the Proud Boys look bad. It does the opposite. It makes the Proud Boys look good.

Lol. These antifa fags larping around pepper spraying and attacking with asps are surprised when they get engaged. Loved the dyke getting bitch slapped. "Call the authorities.." Whait, what?!

Everyone of these Antifa guys is either very short or very tall and skinny. None of the "proud boys" are in good shape, or come off as good fighters. Most seem kind of chubby and I guess they won by just outweighing their opponents. Still, its good to see Antifa get put in their place.

All of you liberal new york fags in here know you fight like pussies too

fuck these fascists

well win next times

comrades remember to carry weapons

remember to train

Do you really think it's a good idea to encourage progressive/liberal anarchists to attack conservatives with weapons? Aside from the moral argument against it, the average conservative is significantly more dangerous than the average progressive. We're the "crazy gun nuts" remember? :)

I understand you're probably depressed because you're trans, but that doesn't give you the right to take that out on other people.

yes it does give me that right

Nah no it doesn't. It's no one else's fault that your life is the way that it is.

Proud Boys (1985) 1/2* Drama - College freshman Dougie (Judge Reinhold) discovers that his new roomie (Jason Hervey) is secretly gay. With Kiefer Sutherland as Hank, Joyce DeWitt as Mom and Steve Guttenberg as Dean Markus. PG, brief nudity, language. 88 min.

this made me smile

the proud boys moved up a level in my book

they are now at level 1

notice antifa girl pulling her tight pants up while laying on the ground

They're tutorial level opponents.

They don't even seem to fight, they just fall back and stretch their arms out to make distance.