"The only news outlet LEFT that's RIGHT.

25  2018-02-12 by RBuddCumia


"news outlet"??

Any one that turns on Compound Media for all their news should be shot on sight.


Excuse me, but news outlet?

Thats something only a 69 year old illiterate black man like Joe would think is profound

I hate people who think playing casual poker for penny ante stakes makes them a “poker player”

Being unemployed and using money your brother gives you from his dwindling fortune to join games also doesn't make you a "poker player". It makes you a degenerate gambler.

He's a man of leisure

Right, it's a podcast that takes whatever money you have left, just like Joe does Anthony.

He treats apostrophes the way Ant treated their mother for the last five years of her life.

Sir, you used the correct spelling of "that's" but didn't close your quotation marks. You appear to have also received your Education: US Army.

He put his twitter is behind a paywall...


Joe loves Fox News and wants to support them but he's torn since they're in direct completion with his brother.

It's kind of like Opie thinking he was in competition with Howard during the XM days.

Opie never stopped thinking he was in competition with Howard. Even now he believes that Howard has him in the ropes...but only temporarily.

Layla’s reason for turning to prostitution (actually)

Has he ever made his kids name public before? If no, ooof...

He has, many times, but what’s weird is that, assuming she’s named after the Clapton song, Joe didn’t dig deep enough to see that “Layla” is a song of unrequited love, based on a 12th Century Persian story, which was itself based on a 7th Century Arabic myth about a young girl so beautiful she drove her suitor crazy.

He named his daughter Layla? A Song about a woman Thant man wanted to marry but could not? I sure as hell hope he doesn’t sing this song to her or that’d be strange.

Drunken Italian pedo regurgitating last nights Fox News report is not news.

i understand why he would capitalize "RIGHT" because it has the double meaning in addition to being on the "right" side of the political spectrum he's saying its the only news outlet actually getting anything "right" but they aren't left politicaly so why is left capitalized because he came up with a snappy line that sounded cool

Actually not a bad tag line for a network, but how does that fit compound??

Holy fucking shit

Anthony has to be beyond embarassed that he is related to this and owes it money

Joe gets 0.1% of every Compound sub.

Tsss this guys good!

he doesnt list any real jobs there

I imagine that sounded more clever in his head