"I know your Mom was killed" - An Analysis

63  2018-02-12 by Wolosocu

I went back and re-listened to this today and holy fuck, this is easily the single most cringiest moment in the history of The Sam and Jim Show, and possibly the O&A-universe in general.

From the context, it is almost forgivable. They're talking about McDermott's upbringing and the rough childhood he had:

Doug: What kind of rough upbringing? Just poor?
Dylan: Yeah you know...
Doug: Beaten? Raped?
Doug: You said it's common knowledge and I know you're... I don't know 
    your career. I know your face from my dreams. Are you Irish?
Dylan: Irish-Italian
Doug: Wow all right that's the intro to every aggie joke
Jim: So your mom, I know your mom was killed...

But right away, anyone with a decent sense of human interaction could see that this is bad. On the video, McDermott's body language is very clear. Instead of moving on, what does the blinking idiot do?

Doug: There you go, that's what I'm getting to.
Jim: But that's what Sam, I think, was kind of alluding to. It's obviously a very 
    rough way to come up. Was it was it something that was ruled accidental 
    and then declared a murder there was some kind of a ... how am I trying 
    to say. That it was... it was changed what they thought happened.
Dylan: Yeah I mean I don't really want to get into that now you know I'm just 
    talking about LA to Vegas but...
Jim: Okay

McDermott even says he doesn't want to talk about it! Holy christ, he's there to promote some slapstick comedy and here's Master Interviewer Jim "The Blinking Worm" Norton bringing up the guy's dead Mom. Even Doug Stanhope could tell how bad it was and did his best to lighten things up.

Dylan: Yeah it was definitely rough and..
Doug: What night is that on?
Dylan: It's uh.. Tuesdays at 9.
Doug: Tuesdays at nine. That's not the death slot. Hey, speaking of death... LA 
    to Vegas, I love it. I'm a fucking fan of flying, I'm an airline freak but this is 
    current day. It's not like Mad Men era they had that Pam...
Dylan: Yeah, it's modern day.

To Stanhope's credit, he manages to steer this disaster back to a light-hearted interview about the actual TV show. However, fucking Norton can't just let it go...

Jim: And the reason... the reason we asked you about it is it's on the sheet and 
    they talked about how it kind of led you into getting into acting...

Oh, it's on the sheet! On the sheet!

Holy Christ this is one of the worst moments ever. Jim Norton is fucking awful. For someone who talks to people for a living, you think he'd be able to read a fucking room. Jesus Christ he could possibly be more stupid than Brother Joe.

(For reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPTZ7DuQA60&t=31m40s)


McDermott was being a geriatric faggot who dyes his hair jet black even though he’s almost 60. His mom got killed over 50 years ago. No one wants to hear him promote his shitty airplane drama.

You think McDermott looks bad for a gentleman in his mid 50s?

Fuck Dermott McDylan's dead whore mother in her dead whore cunt.

That wasn’t very nice, sir

Havent you seen "Hamburger Hill"? He lost most of his platoon, go easy on him.


If people are here are willing to pay to watch Norton and Kelsey they are too dumb to understand the breakdown of his psychological interactions. I love Chip, Ted and the crew but he is as daft as a Snowflake as Norton.

To be fair, the awkwardness was brought on by drunk Doug’s complete ignorance and assumption that when McDermott said he grew up in some stuff that it was just pussy poor me bullshit. Norton was scrambling to explain his position.

Damn, it's been 20 years since The Practice and that motherfucker is just as handsome. We should all be so lucky to have sacrificed our dead mother to Satan in exchange for eternal youth.

Dylan McDermott is the same age as Anthony Cumia.

Anthony Cumia looks like Dylan McDermott's great grandmother if she were killed like his mother.

HA HA HA What a story, Mark

Goes to show how shitty diet and treatment of your health can really turn you into a ghoul quickly. Sam is on the fast track to joining Anthony in the "wait, that guy is in his early 50s?!" category. Sad.

This is shit Fez used to do, be so focused on one thing he completely loses the ability to judge or improv.

I'll bet "it's on the sheet" is 100% a dig at the publicist like Hey ASSHOLE if you didn't want us to ask about your DEAD MOM maybe it shouldn't be on the FUCKING ONESHEET, you think!?

He motherfucks this guy for that and Quaid and his publicist for not wanting to come on the show with Mary Jean.

It's such abwormy faggoty thing to do, he instantly tries to pass the blame on to someone else because he's too much of a child to accept responsibility for his fuck up

That "it's on the sheet!" thing is so shitty. It suggests that McDermott and/or the people representing him were fully aware this information was in play and could be asked about. If someone was just tuning in and wasn't aware of how "the sheet" was prepared by J&S staff they'd think McDermott's people gave it to the hosts. But the prep sheet is prepared by J&S underlings who clearly deserve the blame. How could Jim know that when an actor comes in to promote a fun comedy TV show he's wouldn't be too jazzed to talk about his mother's horrific murder? Norton would have known it normally but that prep sheet tricked him!

Jim was going for a Howard Stern moment. Say what you will about Stern but he's a damn good interviewer. Jim was thinking he could wrestle a deep moment with McDermott ala Stern. Except Norton sucks. He is and always will be a third mic.

It's generous to give him credit for that much forethought. On his UFC podcast he often asks fighters about a knockout loss first thing out of the gate. I think he's just so narcissistic and detached from normal emotion that it doesn't occur to him that these are not things to blurt out on national platforms without some serious lead-in if he wants to build a good rapport with his guest.

Jim’s wild, flailing arms as he speaks makes it even better

An Opie-esque moment to be sure


It's good FAWKIN raqio you dunce!

Smooth, Jim.

The moment McDermott appears in studio with an emotional support dog, he's a giant faggot cunt in my book.

Norton is a mindless worm for all the reasons we know, this is just another one.

"She was very badly raped, you see?"

Leave it alone

Nooo, she's dead!

I'd say he won't be back, but we all know these two won't have a show the next time he has something to promote.

Gotta love Standhope's "There you go, that's what I'm getting to" line.

Doug Stanhope, the guy who literally does not give a shit what anyone thinks of him. The guy who dresses like a goofy Las Vegas lounge singer because he gets a kick out of it. The guy who discussed his own mother's planned suicide due to terminal illness on stage.

That's the guy trying to move it along, for no other reason because he honestly doesn't want to make a guy feel bad about his dead mom. And Norton can't fucking help himself.

let's not forget his lack of confusion at dassabeso before moving right on and ignoring mush-mouth

let's not forget his confusion at "dassabesso" before putting mush mouth on the pay-no-mind list

Yep. Stanhope is probably the most "honest" comedian. Which is what Norton always claimed to want to be. And look how different they are.

You would think a man who understands the commonality of language would’ve handled this better.

I'm glad you brought his up. This is truly a horrific moment in O and A lore. Mcdermott wasn't the coolest but he wasn't deserving of this, and it wasn't even a bit to mess with him, it was just AWFUL. W

hen he said "it's on the sheet" i just assumed at first it had to be on a promo sheet that Mcdermott's people gave to them, but the more i thought about it i wondered if the worm meant it was on the sheet provided by the J and S staff, which is much more likely... ugh so cringe SO FUCKING CRINGE.

It all stated because of how mongoloid sam asked the question in the first place.

I literally have no idea who that guy is.

We should constantly remind Jim of this moment. He’s too smarmy and lazy to get aware with such a pofah

"every aggie joke" lol

Forgive my denseness, but what does that mean? I wasn't even sure if that was the right word, but that's what it sounded like and what YouTube's transcript used, so I went with it.

Jim was going for a Howard Stern moment. Say what you will about Stern but he's a damn good interviewer. Jim was thinking he could wrestle a deep moment with McDermott ala Stern. Except Norton sucks. He is and always will be a third mic.