Reporting Brother Joe's Twitter Accounts

0  2018-02-12 by tunisianknifer

We need to continue to report his "offensive" tweets. We need to post his racist, sexist, homophobic tweets on other pages too so we can get SJWs, gays, women and the blacks to help out with reporting da numbahs!


Just hatched from Mr. Cumia's log-hole:

Joseph Cumia ‏


Just in case I get kicked off Twitter permanently, you might want to consider following these alternate options...quickly: @SonOGawd @JosephCumiaxyz @CumiaSr @U2tribute2U @AlmostJourney

I’m filing complaints with the attorney general now.

This might be grounds for a military tribunal!


I'm not sure if he's ever visited that profile. I don't think it's what he thinks it is.

If you can guide me into how to report a ban dodger like the Cumias I'm all in.

I went to the twitter reddit page and asked how to do it. Hopefully they can take care of it quickly!

If you figure this out, let me know. I've tried contacting as many Twitter support things as I can and I never get results.

I tried to pose as a lawyer representing brother Joe entertainment INC and reported his alts for impersonating him, but no dice. Twitter gives zero fucks about ban evasion.