"Comedian" steals /r/showerthoughts post that made it to front page.

19  2018-02-12 by [deleted]



are you sure he didn't write it? He retweeted the reddit link.

I'm almost positive he's not the reddit user who wrote it.

He only retweeted a tweet that called him out on stealing it from reddit, the reddit link was included in there.

Less than 10k followers and he’s verified, Twitter is laughably bad now

I saw a verified "feminist journalist" with 800-something followers.

Nice that's something to be proud of, stupid

I was merely using it as an example of how my bots are out and about on the Twitter, stupid.

Ugh, are you annoying.

Ay, I'm just busting a little chops sir

That's fair. I am sorry for my outburst.

Well of course, your apart of the patriarchy it your not... Ugh that hurt to write

You’re saying that you are a part of the patriarchy if you have a lot of twitter followers?

I am confused.

Fuck no man, joking

Nice joke, stupid. ;)

Haha fucker

dat's da bit!!!!

In another world we would be buds hahaha

Anthony wouldn't have a comeback for this guy

Was it ever any good?


As a civilian you just don't understand eminent domain. As a professional comedian he can put that comedy to much better use.

It's the free market at work, man. Adam Smith's invisible hand just typing away.

A hack comic that steals material? Go on!

I have no idea who this is, but I strongly suggest that we brigade him and post any personal information about him/his family that we can find.

his twitter bio is pretty badass. "laughter my chariot, truth its steed"

Wonder who he stole that from.

Lol the guy is trying to summon Luis j Gomez.

Puerto Rican Law

comedic entity // writer for @colbertlateshow, formerly for @theonion // laughter my chariot, truth its steed


I don't know man, that's a tough one. Parallel thinking and whatnot.

Nearly identical wording, purposefully left off part of the original post to attempt to avoid being caught.

He's a writer for Colbert, if that doesn't say enough I don't know what will.

He needs feminism because


Lou Gehrig...probably feels bad for that fuckin disease or somethin'

Alright G'wan Nah!

Haha fucker