UNPOPULAR OPINION: I actually met Brother Joe & he was a nice guy

0  2018-02-12 by OpiesInnerCircle

I don't like his social media posts, but, one evening in North Wildwood, NJ, my sister and I talked to Brother Joe after a 2U show and he was gracious as fuck. My sister and him went on and on about their kids, sharing pics, etc... He really is a nice guy, just misguided.


Did he share his allowance to get you say nice things.

So you were charmed by a cad and now you're loud & proud?

You went to 2U show??? You and your sister can both fuck off.

Being too much of a coward to act like he does online doesn't make him nice.

Classic keyboard tough guy.

Brother Joe is always on the lookout for new sources of child spit.


https://youtu.be/IO2IgYY06uU The Killah Kuhn self comments and responses add to the hilariousness.

Who goes to a see a garbage u2 cover band with their fat sister? You’re disgusting

She's definitely not fat. Moron.

Prove it.

She sounds fatter than I first thought

So your sister-wife is a fatty?

Thats a tough one man

Then why does he go out of his way to act like such a cunt online?

this is it. I dont care how nice of a fucking guy he is on the streets. he comes across as a stubborn child online. if he was as nice as you say he is ( which im sure, in a public setting he had his best manners on display ) why does he come across as a flaming asshole online?

And a complete dumbass. He says racist things on twitter, gets called on it, then uploads an profile picture of him with a little niglet. to try and deflect the charges.

not a smart man

Who cares? I convince a lot of people that I’m a nice guy, but I’m not.

If he were to ever be legitimately famous with a real band and not a pathetic cover band he wouldn't have let you past his bodyguards without VIP passes, and even then would have charged you for an autograph. He's a cunt.

Honestly, in real life he is charismatic & very nice. That's what makes it so disappointing to see how he conducts himself online. I'm sure Anthony is probably the same way. I was following Joe on FB, but, I had to be honest with him and told him that I was unfollowing him due to his racist tirades. It's too bad.