This Pitching Tents movie with ole fat tits ain’t half bad . Im honestly really enjoying it

7  2018-02-12 by [deleted]



Did you also enjoy his death scene in Power?

Did you chuckle like a cunt after you typed that ?

got em

And yes yes I did

Honest question. What would you rate it?

I’m mid watch rn I’ll let you know. But every scene with Jim is great .

Thank you, sir. I was too embarrassed to admit, but when I saw the clips of his scenes I wanted to give it a watch.

So here’s my synopsis : it’s like a c + plus dazed and confused with Jim norton . I wanna say Jim makes it worth the watch but even though he has a big part it’s more high school kids then Jim. So idk it was ok I enjoyed it but idk

Thanks for the review. Think I’ll give it a watch. I celebrate James Norton’s entire catalog.

So idk it was ok I enjoyed it but idk

And I thought Roger Ebert was dead.

Idk is he ? Who gives a fuck

That’s a tough one, man.

The movie fuckin stinks, what's the matter with you?