He's actually obsessed with black people

53  2018-02-11 by lobotomy75


He's not wrong about that though.

There were definitely black people in London in the 1940's. How is it shoe-horned in?

Not many though. There still isn't now. More black people in new York city then the UK.

okay. The scene he's talking about is when Winston Churchill takes the Underground and get's the common people's perspective on whether he should negotiate with the Nazi's or not. The train he's on has a black person on it. Idk how that is shoe-horning a black person into the movie. Idk if there were segregation laws in the UK at that time but it doesn't seem that forced to have a black person on a train

Ok, it's a little odd that the one and only black guy that makes it into a smidge of the movie gets a speaking part.

Is it?

Your use of apostrophes is agonizing.

This post is why this is the greatest fucking place on the entire internet. I read the post and thought the exact same thing.

Did you?

There were small black populations around docks and some in the Army from empire countries but only a very small number. So kind forced but not impossible.

Dude, the coon was obviously a token. I don't know if you saw the movie or not, but it was a pretty big eye roll moment.

Maybe but how uncommon really was it at the time for black people to take the train. Not everything featuring minorities is political correctness run amuck

It's going to break your little heart to learn that Winston Churchill never spoke to a black person in his entire life, isn't it?

Yeah that's something that can be confirmed, totally. Keep telling yourself that affirmative action is the reason you have a shitty job

What??? Lol! I'm one of 3 owners of a business that employs over 275 people. Fun fact, I actually got into O&A while doing traveling sales to build the place up. I even employ some lovely black people.

No you're a nobody and you should kill yourself.


Does it make you feel good to start shit? Trying to increase that 169 karma count?

😂 169!

You're so seething with resentment towards a guy doing way better than you! He's an OWNER of a SUCCESSFUL company! 😂😂😂


  • 🐜

Not even in the years he spent in South Africa?

Fucks no he didn't.

Especially those

Yes it is.

Despite the tokenism, is the movie worth watching? It looks like it's a Churchill ballwashing, but I still kind of want to see it.

I liked it. And I'm an American. The only way that Gary Oldman doesn't win the Oscar would be because of white guilt.

I love the britbrigade downvotes you re gettng for a mild comment. Followed by furious replies and general nu-malery disguised as edginess.

It's not like I saw that scene and felt angry about it. It was just, awe, guess they're going to do this now...

It’s really odd, but not half as odd as /u/lobotomy75 getting upvoted for seriously arguing that it isn’t shoed in.

Be a man. Call him a faggot and imply that he eats too much soy if you disagree. Nobody wants to hear your opinions about race on the Opie and Anthony subreddit.

It was like five minutes in the movie. Call it shoed in if you want but jesus christ, why is political correctness on your radar so much? I get it with the new Star Wars movie but this is getting a bit much. Not every minority in media is some PC scheme

You’re missing my point. I don’t care about your opinion, I care that you’re not being funny.

At least say “why are you so threatened by BBC” or something. Save the serious discussions about race in media for some other subreddit.

I know what you mean. Idk I just get annoyed at people who say everything is political correctness. Ultimately, in the context of this subreddit, you are right

I'd pay a billion dollars to see Anthony in the middle of a ghetto bukkake blowbang.

He'd probably pay you that himself if you organized it.

Daniel Day Lewis in Phantom Thread shits all over Oldman playing dress up.

You are not wrong. He made that film, any other actor and it would have been a romance movie.

It is a romance movie. It's just atypical.

I came out hating the lead actress which I assume was the point but damn did she do a good job. But in the end Get Out will win all the Oscars because award shows are a sham.

Do you really think Get Out is winning Best Picture? It's a huge betting underdog, so you should put some money on it. The chances of a horror-comedy movie winning are practically zero, regardless of Hollywood reverse racism.

The chances of a horror-comedy movie winning are practically zero

I'm pretty sure the Oscars are pitching it as a thriller for that very reason. It's pretty ridiculous.

I'm currently battling r/movies over this very thing. Would love some backup


He retches very convincingly.

I've never seen a man that so badly wanted to fuck and/or kill a black man before.

If he keeps stalking 14 year old girls he will get the chance to do it everyday

Still trying to make daddy proud

Too bad for him there's always a black guy present in every room he's in

Neither can I - it’s actualy a very common feeling among very normal people.

I think it’s a common feeling amongst people with micro dicks. Right Piggy?

STILL thinking about my dick LOL - I thought I told you I'm not a fag? No matter how many times you signal me about your faggotry, I'm just not interested.

Haven’t seen you in awhile. What kind of meds did they give you while you were in the hospital?

Yeah, I have a life and don't spend every day stalking other posters on Reddit, Hasbarat kike.

You literally say the same shit over and over. Is that supposed to scare/intimidate me?

Like I said previously, you’re my chew toy. Just a little bitch who is all bark and no bite. Hopefully you prove me wrong bitch boy.

"Scare/intimidate" you? How am I suppose to do that over the internet?

"Hopefully you prove me wrong?" Again, how would you suggest I do that over the internet?

You're crazy, batshit, out-of-your-mind obsessed with me, not the other way around. But I am flattered that the Hasbara has assigned one of its rats to follow me around.


Holy shit - you're getting creepy now. The second I post, you're here - are you on Reddit all day long? Talk about "hospital."

You didn't answer my question - how do you propose I "prove you wrong?" Or do you think I'm stupid enough to threaten you? "Oye vey! The goyin know!"

I just enjoy fucking with cowards. You sir, you are the ultimate coward. It must be sad to harbor so much hate and have no outlet for it IRL. I respect the ones who can say this kind of stuff in person. They at least have a set of balls. You are just a pussy boy with nothing original or interesting to say. Even if I was standing in front of you, you would back down like the bitch that you are. Run away little boy.

tapshoe horned*

anthony is a loser. can’t believe how much I used to love this guy.

He's also into fashion

Oldman will never win due to his comments about the purveyors of films

Kodak,fujifilm,ilford ..

I don't think there "should not have been black people" in the movie, but I swear the moment with the black guy did feel oddly forced to me. Maybe because they cut away to him 172x just to go "See?? Black people!"

It didn't bother me as much as Herr Cumia, but I felt it a little bit, little bit. (That was a great fucking scene, by the way. I heard sniffles all over the goddamn theater)

It's because they force diversity into everything that all diversity feels forced.

It’s weird how this sub hag one from fairly alt-right to so SJW that you’re getting downvotes for a tepid defense of a legitimate critique. Niggers suck, btw.

You're assuming that this sub has one point of view, and it doesn't - other than (maybe) "funny is funny".

Nah, in the two years I've been a member, it was pretty uniform, and why wouldn't it be? It was devoted to a show and comics who are/were fairly edgy and right-leaning. But then it made a hard left turn a few months ago, especially when it comes to race.

ugh, you're just a race baiting faggot like ant. We're trying to have fun and you bring up politics, classic.

Besides Ant ,who wasn’t the political guy he is today, who were the these right leaning comics on O&A; Louis CK, Bill Burr?? I think you were misread this sub, it was never alt-right but does decimate the ridiculous PC & sjw culture when it’s topical. The right leaning people on this sub started to appear around the time of Trumps election, I noticed a lot of people from TheDonald coming here like it was an just another one of their right wing political subreddits & they knew nothing of the O&A show. Luckily a lot of them moved on because they were frustrated when they were called out for lack of knowledge & they were less concerned about funny content & only cared to post something that was tied to political ideology.

Take a look at how the sub handled the latest mass shooting, and see if you think it's still hard-left.

It sucks when you’re a coward and can’t let out your true feelings in person. Comment Piggy?

You're STILL chasing me around, faggot? LOLOLOL! How much time do you spend thinking about me? All day?

I disagree, I think once Ant started taking some heat the sub swung further left just to hit him harder.

He doesn't care for black people. He finds them a bit much.

He also likes fashion

What gave you that vibe

I would like to read his review of Black Panther

He wore out the g key.


Any modern movie needs to have "diversity", so even though there was close to zero blacks in Londons 1940 population of 9 million, and it would be statistically completely unlikely to see one, they should be highly visible in a movie portraying that period, just to make sure "the bigots" dont get any ideas. (Like the insane and wrong idea that multiculturalism and mass-immigration is something alien and unwanted that has somehow been forced upon us by someone.)

What all bigots need to understand is that the jews and very smart women who run the film-industry have a lot of wisdom to share with the "simple folk".

Oye vey

It is estimated that approximately 10,000 black people mostly from around the British Empire lived in communities concentrated in the dock areas of the cities of London, Liverpool and Cardiff in total.

Whenever people say that about colonial communities in London and a "large Anglo-Indian community" in 20th century London I have to wonder. It was definitely not a noticeable enough presence to be put in films and television shows.

My grandmother lived in London her whole life. She didn't see a non-white person until the late 70's and it was still rare. I think it was in the late 90's when the big demographic shift happened; Blair let in as many people as fast as possible.

So 0,05% then.. As i said it would be statistically very unlikely to see one.

And the rampant racism among the pre-war britsh made sure this tiny percentage of mainly black sailors (some soldiers) were segregated.


A lot of his types are like that

It's the main reason why BBC became such a fixture of internet speak throughout the years. It's fucking embarrassing

He has the exact same mindset of a deranged tranny. He can't watch a movie without zeroing in on some frivolous shit and obsessing about it for hours.

That must be exhausting, the dude watches every movie, every commercial, every video game he plays, the SECOND he sees a black guy he starts frothing at the mouth.

He did the same shit with the new call of duty.

How can a person hate his own identity so much?

The black guy is in the movie for 5 fucking seconds, what an absolute miserable person.

I think Anthony might be racist.

This post is why this is the greatest fucking place on the entire internet. I read the post and thought the exact same thing.

He wore out the g key.

It's not like I saw that scene and felt angry about it. It was just, awe, guess they're going to do this now...

It’s really odd, but not half as odd as /u/lobotomy75 getting upvoted for seriously arguing that it isn’t shoed in.

Be a man. Call him a faggot and imply that he eats too much soy if you disagree. Nobody wants to hear your opinions about race on the Opie and Anthony subreddit.