i like the later years of O&A......

17  2018-02-11 by sarahemmingway

i tried listening to the older years but its such a different show i can only listen to 2012 -2014.......Anyone else prefer the later years over the older??


lots of people love the later years from like 09-13. Maybe the best years of the show imo.

The Cumia brothers prefer people 9 through 13 as well.


The post-Anthony era was the show's Renaissance.

It died when Patrice died

2009 up until An't firing was the best, Patrice dying was the beginning of the end but they still did some good shows after he died.

I am the complete opposite. I stopped listening about a month or so after Patrice died. I started listening again for Jocktober in 2013 and listened until AntH got fired. Opie and Anthony from 2000 - the Sex for Sam firing was the best they ever were. That was when Jim Norton became the 3rd mic and they were the best radio show, better than Howard, for that time period.

No they weren't. Those shoes are utter dogshit to sit thru. Even the best-ofs are tiresome at times

That used to be true, but the more time went on the more it became clear many of their biggest moments were riddled with fake-radio bullshit. And all that shock-jockery just comes off as a douchey need for attention now. Sirius era Jimmy elevated the show significantly because he introduced wit in the form of calling yourself out when you bomb, and the whole mentality associated with that.

Most of it was YouTube on the radio.

I may be in the minority, but Anthony really made you tube on the radio very entertaining, I don’t consider that a bad thing.

I distinctly remember they spent 2-3 days in a row watching guys climb tall things. That's when I realized they really hated their audience, all of it, without exception.

Anyone who liked the old show pre-norton is just an opie & morning zoo prank show fan

Everyone agrees 2008-2012 were the golden years of O&A

Idk I'm a pretty big fan of the Bra Bombing

The show tanked after the homeless Charley incident.Was never the same after that.

The last 3-4 years of the show were my favourite. I enjoy when there isn’t a “bit” going on and O&A are just talking with the background staff, the Roland standoff is one of my favourite clips for that reason.

Listening to 2005, or heavens forbid 2002, is just full of hacky shit. On the whole this was never a good radio show. The ratio between absolute good and shit is like 1/100

Did you listen to 2002 back in 2002 or did you listen via archives? Not bagging on you, but I think a lot of the younger/later fans lose the context of the shock jock days. Seems like hack stuff now but 16-18 years ago when no one had satellite and the internet was just a place to post pics on a geocities page, it wasn't really that hack.

The show was good in any era as long as they had a good line up. For example the show where they trash Nortons old stand up was from 2002 but is a classic show. But yeah shows with no comic guests are hard to listen to pre 2006.

Tequila and Donuts Day was their last hurrah.

Me too. I started listening in the beginning of 2013 and genuinely enjoyed the show. Now when i go Back to old stuff i can’t go earlier than 2011 otherwise it sounds like a completely different show with more radio bits and jacky sound board effects.

2011??? That was like the end of the golden era you should look up some funny ones from like 2007-2010

The show wasn't that good ever. They had some good shows and some great moments. Overall it was hacky morning zooish. Stern killed O&A if we're being honest. Ron & Fez were better too.

I came to the show way too late so it's the period I know best. It might not have been as good as the earlier stuff but it was head and shoulders above anything these faggots are putting out now.

As far as I'm concerned, the last really great O&A bit was the Lady Di internship.

Agreed. She brought a ton of entertaining to that week of radio.

I like the later years better too. I think they just got better with experience and adding comics took some of the pressure off themselves so they didn't have to force things. I think the issue with this is people compare their older years to their early years and forget how bad radio was in the earlier years. Their bits were kind of hacky, except when you compare them to everyone else on the radio. In the later years with podcasts their competition got better, and also the expectations of the audience.

I only started listening around 2010, but period from when they were dropped from terrestrial and stopped doing the walkover, up to around end 2012 was the golden era of the show for me.

In around 2013 the dynamic between the three completely broke down. The first hour of the show became Opie reading out items from the prep sheet and Ant and Jim barely contributing. The few times when Ant or Jim did get an interesting conversation going Stompie would just barge in and talk all over everyone. Other times Ant would go off on a race rant or an hour while Opie would play on his phone and Jim would attempt to reason with him. The only time it had a chance of being fun was if other people came into studio, but the best comedians had moved on by that point as well (Patrice, Bill, Louis)

i stopped listening in like 2010 so all you newfags putting stuff up here from that era sounds like gibberish to me

Can’t agree. That was the years after Patrice’s death. His era was the golden age. Although I still think 2012-2014 was still good.

You're wrong.