People that have a job versus Opie who doesn't

27  2018-02-11 by Dennyislife


They have to teach at a high school. Middle Schoolers would be fucking brutal.

Nice head's stupid.

Nice apostrophe, stupid.

I bet on the first day of class she addresses it and makes some chip level two heads are better than one joke

An African is gonna have sex with them to bring 100 years of good luck to his village.

They could make a SHITLOAD of money in porn. They'd effectively invent a whole new niche fetish and corner the market. Their first gangbang would really be something to behold.

It doesn't even have to be porn, if they had a reality tv show, i would definitely watch it. I need to know what happens with these girls for the of their lives.

"Let me cum on your hump"

instead of titty banging them, he just squeezes their heads together and fucks their cheeks

jesus, its like a walking bad acid trip

Imagine seeing them when you're on any sort of drug. Instant psychosis.

They got a job guarding the Philosopher's Stone from Harry Potter.

It's a good and necessary job; traumatising and psychologically-scarring preschoolers by entrusting their care over to a FUCKING TWO-HEADED MONSTER!!!

Kids love freaks. I had a south African as a teacher.

The "naked stories" on the thumbnail was a set-up for disappointment

Christ. How was this thing not put down at birth?

What and miss out on one of the heads dying before the other?

then you could date her and once you got her loosened up see if she'd let you fuck the dead mouth

I would pay to see a boxing match with itself.

Im just sitting here drinking my coffee and eating my donut and you made this thing flash in front of me. Thanks a heep OP. Guess I'm not quitting heroin today like I had planned.

Sorry for having a heart, but ya have to feel bad for this girl ( these two ). When O&A were doing a bit about them, Ant liked their tits.

This bit was what got me into O&A. My friend played it for me when we were on a 3hr drive somewhere. Up until that point, I had never laughed at anything so hard in my life. I was howlin'!

Jim saying that the dog would bark at them because he was thinking "there's a monster in the house" made me laugh so hard. Just calling them "a monster" is so mean and perfect.

Why should I feel bad for them? They seem like happy, well adjusted young adults. They have a college education and a career doing something they enjoy. They're doing better than I am without any physical deformities.

Probably because they have two heads on one body

This shit is fucking crazy, how do they move? Does one control the left and the other control the right side of the body? Do they get separate boyfriends have have wild orgies together? I'm getting high and watching this later

If one head decides to rub their clit when the other doesn’t want to is that rape? Incest? If I cum in one head while the other head is eating a cheeseburger, which will she shit out first?

All good questions.

If I bust inside them, who's the mother? Do they produce mutant offspring as well? This shit is fascinating

I remember them saying that when they get a stomach ache they feel it on the opposite side. Like, the one on the right can't feel touch on the left side of the stomach.

But when her stomach hurts she gets the pain in her sisters side and vice versa. So fucking weird.


"What'd you pass? The Fucking audition to Ringling Brothers?"

I hate how this monster has starts a sentence with one head, then cuts herself off with the other head.

I imagined they think that's a fun "quirk" but really they're both just rude interrupting freaks.

How many cooters. Raping that would be double the fun.

So do they get paid 2 salaries? Not a bad deal

I love mocking them as much as the next monster but that was so fascinating to watch. All those arm movements complimenting each other perfectly and finishing each other's sentences from one twin's perspective.

has it been mentioned if one twin has dominance over the other in terms of their nervous system? That would be really interesting if one is suggesting actions and thoughts to the other through the joined spine.

Do they get two paychecks?

Yeah - they're working part-time, and they get a part-time wage split down the middle.

It's interesting from an HR point of view - you've got one position to fill, but you can't hire them separately, but you don't want to discriminate against them on the basis of their disabilities, but it's going to fuck the budget and mean another school missing out if you have to pay two salaries...

Fuck a job does he even have a house? He seems to just hang about beaches, cafes/bars/restaurants making his shitty videos.

I got into O&A when Ant did his 3 rights make a left bit about his mother in law. I was hooked. Started listening during the WNEW days. In fact first comedy show I saw was Brian Regan. The whole audience was yelling out his bits before he got to them. He refunded our $ back.

Calling that thing a people is a little much.

They should roid up and join a wrestling league so they can take on sam in a wrestling match.

Probably because they have two heads on one body