Just tuned in to Ant's Battlefield live stream

71  2018-02-11 by KingDonaldTrump

The very first thing I saw was him getting shot five times and dying with no cover. He died like four more times in a few minutes. Why is he still so shit at gaming?


Hes really terrible. Last time I watched, he managed 4 minutes of running around without seeing an enemy or playing the objective. I didn't know this was a possible.

Also, it looks like he's playing with an auto clicker tool for fast shooting. What a piece of shit.

He's always needed tools to cheat. I think it's the osteoporosis, personally.

He's such a delusional old cheater.

Don't forget he's also a closeted homo

Also a dumb nigger alcoholic.


Have you reported him yet?

I don't know how to do that

It happens to me when I get super baked dude, then I’m all like reality is a war and I’m alone. Then I usually get killed.

Nice that's real deep, stupid

That’s the bit you dope!

You'd be distracted too if sue was in the room.

Sue wouldn't tolerate that normie shit.

People forget that he's a 67 year old alcoholic with bad eyes. He's no worse at Battlefield than my demented, arthritic grandmother would be.

An actual blind WWI vet would be better at the game than him.

Is she single?

He's complained about preteens kicking his ass on XBox live since at least 2008, at a time when a current 20-year-old was 10. Old can't-teach-an-old-dog-new-tricks lookin-ass nigga.

I don’t think we needed that little example of how long ago 2008 was, we all know what 18 - 8 is.

18 - 8 is 10. He said 2008, not 2010.

You have egg on your face now. How does that feel, egg-faced faggot? 🍳 🍳


Guess I needed the illustration after all

Maybe you needed a pictorial display of the numbahs...

I guess he forgot the graph.

What did you say?

I'm not seeing your comment, did you use emojis? try typing it again.

That's not the BIT. DO THE BIT


Dane Cook and Bobby would grief old man Cumia

Because he's 70

Lol Nana needs her glasses to play

They are not glasses, it's an individually crafted sight assistance!

Stereotactically placed opticals.

You guys should try to experience love for fuck sake. Just cuz your prophet Anthony will might never know it, doesn't mean you can't

Experience a bullet.

You're edgy

You'll be missed :,(

I love you dude and i get it

I think you're on the wrong sub, the sycophants are over at /r/TACSdiscussion, our resident prophet is Denny Falcone.

I remember denny! Always loved the guy

And Anthony is a fucking worm, no doubt about that. Nvr listened to his podcast. I know this sounds like some bitch shit, but the people on this sub come off as so much better than this negative shit

What the fuck are you babbling about?

Nothing i guess. Just trying to let you know you could use your energy for good

Is mocking a man who's played video games since they were invented for still not being adequate at them really the line?

This place jokes about pedophilia and rape on a daily basis, but "HA, YOU SUCK AT VIDEO GAMES OLD MAN!" is really where you want to make your moral stance?


It just so happens that I love giving Tranth a hard time.


Wasn't there a record-keeping site that showed he had an embarrassingly low kdr?

Meh, atleast he's the only one in the bunch interested/ keeping up with vidya. He's said he's terrible and getting his ass kicked by preteen cancerous fucks on xbox-live before. There are reasons to shit on ant, but this one...unless you're his teammate


Unironically saying Vidya warrants a swift but painful death.

I absolutely hate Ant's taste in games. Always just plays whatever the latest shooter is like some 13 year old xbox gamer kiddie autist.

Plus if you're soley gonna play FPS, at least be good at them. Stupid wop.

Like Ant’s fantasies, that game is a year and a half old.

He also has one of the most uncomfortable gaming set-ups I'ever seen

So playing battlefield 1 makes you have a shitty taste in games? TIL I'm a shitty gamer

I don't know what's gayer... an old man streaming video games or you faggots obsessing over an old man streaming video games...

Definitely this faggots obsessing over him. What a bunch of retards

Ant used to be PC only but would get aggravated because if his new game threw an error or wasn't patched yet he would pass on the system then shoot it with guns.

I couldn't play an FPS on a console yet he switched years ago. He should at least be able to do the basics.

Conclusion: he should go back to RPGs

Does anyone have his gamer tag? We can get him spammed with invites and party invites.

beaviskills or something like that i think.

Does he play on a 72in TV? Not realizing that doing this makes any shooter 2x harder than it already is being drunk and old.

His faggot ass also uses a keyboard and mouse set up on consoles which Danny called him a faggot for

You remember something I said in 2007. Wanna make fun of me some more?

And he plays Battlefield 1. It's a piss easy game to get kills in, because everyone else is a drooling retard.

"I used to fuck my babysitter!"

Now he fucks the baby.

He was right, he is a piece of shit.

I would kick his ass at Maniac Mansion

nice pull, my dude.

He has the same complexion as the meteor.

I know I'm an old fag, but when I was a kid the most boring thing in the world was watching someone else play video games.

He's sixty years old playing video games. 'Nuff said.


cuz he's not a virgin

I'd really like to see him try to play CSGO

An actual blind WWI vet would be better at the game than him.

Is she single?

Also a dumb nigger alcoholic.