How is this funny?

7  2018-02-11 by condom_cracker28


because these civilians can't tell when a bit is getting tired. that's why we get paid the big dollars

BROKE: noticing things on the Simpsons

WOKE: calling italians niggers on the internet

BESPOKE: wishing the black single mom on your favorite reddit sub had a big dick

I'm sure Erock's alt account is posting there in hysterics

That unfunny horseshit has 63k upvotes, let that sink in.

I honestly cannot tell anymore if I am a profoundly jaded monster or the rest of Reddit is absolutely horrible.

I wish anyone who posted about how the Simpsons predicted some shit would have their hands immediately smashed with a hammer.

Haha, Simpsons, get it, it's Anthony or something

It's not. Reddit is cancer