Reminder: Even though he has no reason to, Sam chooses not to drink alcohol.

26  2018-02-11 by TinKnockinMoroccan

At least Erock gets drunk.


It’s too hard to pair a nice wine with chicken tenders.

It is harder to wash down shame without booze.

REMINDER: Even though he has no reason to, Jim Norton still chooses to suck cock.

I dont drink alcohol, i'm a pathetic raging drug addict who eats enough painkillers daily to kill a small family, but i just dont enjoy drinking at all, i drank when i was younger in highschool and before i started taking pills but just kinda dislike the way i feel after drinking

Hangovers go away after about 2/3 days of drinking, and you don't have to lie to a doctor about insomnia or anxiety or some shit to get it. You can just get it at the corner store.


dis guyz gud

Like the Liquor Gallery. Ask for my pal, Ronnie Ponytail

I love that Bill thought Ronnie Ponytail was gay.


Drugs > alcohol

Gay > Straight

Dead > Alive

It tastes yucky and CM Punk doesn’t do it. What other reason does he need?

Would you rather that he make up a story about what a troubled teen he was because he nursed a few wine coolers out in the woods after school?


Tequila and Donuts Day was perhaps the last truly great episode of The Opie and Anthony Show.

I have no reason not to do heroin, except maybe lack of money but there's always stealing (and sucking cock once you're doped up and don't care). My life is already shit, got no close relations left alive to disappoint.

Nice sob story, stupid.

Is there a reason everyone's adding, stupid to all their shit? Like I get the origin, but why is it suddenly all around this place?

I think the clip where Opie got pathetically defensive when Vos made a crack about his shirt was brought up recently on the Chip podcast, and I think the crack was "Nice shirt, stupid".

Ah, I'm a couple weeks behind on radio shows and podacasts, figured it was something like that. Thanks for keeping me in the loop brothaman.

Nice comment, stupid.

Chomping at the bit eh, chump?

Yes. My girlfriend is mad at me because she fell asleep on the couch and I proceeded to drink all the booze in the house and be sloppy.

I've stopped drinking for a while. Honestly, I can't remember why I wanted to drink in the first place. It's not really fun, but when it's not you just stop. Fucking weakling "alcoholics".

Oakerson didn't start drinking till he was on Los, in his late thirties.

Think about that, one he never drank because he didn't like the taste, two he succumbed to peer pressure nearly aged 40.

He's definitely worse than Sam

He seems like the type that is a straight edge queer.

So the fat fuck was getting all that "road pussy" sober? What a fraud.

sounds like rogan with the pot

Jay says he didn’t drink because he was having to drive back and forth from Philly every night.


He chooses to drink Pepsi over coke as well. He is not worthy of any liquids other than cum in his mouth.

broken person

Doesn't he drink Coke every morning though?

Sam hates the feeling of not being in control, he might burn his tendies or scuff his yeezies.

I feel sorry for sober people. Knowing that when you wake up in the morning that's the best you are going to feel all day seems soul crushing. How can you muddle through this life without a buzz is beyond me.

  • Peckahs

it's because he is ethnically/genetically Jewish and 20% of them (one out of five) have alcohol flush syndrome

The only booze Sam could probably choke down would be manischewitz

I like Jew wine

He doesn't want alcohol impairing important decisions like what color panties he should wear while Bam's fucking his fat whore wife.

Drinking is so 1870's. It weed time, nigga

Weed people get on my last nerve.

weed people, sure. but u smoke the weed, not the people :P

Agree that’s why you should just smoke it and then shut up about it.

Relax, guy.

It's his gimmick.

It is harder to wash down shame without booze.

The god.