65 years without a drink or drug in my body

44  2018-02-11 by CreamPuffSlayer


"By the grace o' God, it can be done. My wife's a cunt."

Heyy I used to have a roommate that worked there

Wow, that's really cool! Thanks for sharing! :)


This really is the most trans positive Subreddit around

Rare Vos is pretty good.

tss 'Cause you'll never see 'im well done! Double bicuspids!

ts wow 65 years without water or somethin fuck this bit

Nice pun, stupid

I enjoy a good Rare Vos whenever I watch The Myden Heist.

Three Philosophers is fucking great.

I prefer Frequent Vos

I ain't like da brothas, I eat da coochie, knowamsayin?

Dead Vos is what we all want.

I read that headline in his voice. Actually Ant doing him

Rare is Dutch (which they also speak in parts of Belgium) for strange / weird. So fully translated it says strange fox, which to be honest sounds kinda gay for a beer.



These beers keep dodgin me