Maybe bringing the Muslims here is a good idea after all....

9  2018-02-11 by peopleforgetthat


Holy shit I love Islam now.

Praise Allah

yet there some cunt at the register.

i demand to speak with the manager!

yet there's some cunt at the register.

i demand to speak with the manager!


Imagine how quickly you can order, and how quietly you could enjoy your meal.


If it wasn’t for the whole blowing themselves bit they do, white Americans would relate to them every day. Hate they guys? Don’t mind if I do.

Man if Muslims stayed in their shitty little desert they’d be the coolest people.

Feminists are so myopically blind; they don't see how their whole ideology will crumble on the altar(or whatever)of Islam.

As a feminist and LGBTQ+ person, who has spent years arguing against religious fundamentalism, I don't the sudden defense of Islam.

Like, why did we spend so much time fighting Christianity if we were just going to appease another sexist and homophobic religion?