One thing that got lost in the current Jim Norton-hating shuffle was a very important, behind-the-scenes detail revealed in the Podacast: OPIE ATE HIS OWN BOOGERS ON-AIR CONSTANTLY.

93  2018-02-10 by TangerineReam

It was revealed on the Podacast, in another thinly-veiled Opie joke. Even went so far as to outline how he thought no one would notice if he looked away, or how he would get everyone in studio distracted on something else while he did it...

No one seemed to attack him on that on Twitter, but that was around the time Ant was also trying to get this place shut down.

So when you get a chance; remind Opie that he used to do that...


Not to sound like a broken record, but Never Forget: Opie had a pile of boogers all at the side the same urinal, swiped on the wall, that he would add to every day. Danny told the story and while the little shit could easily be dismissed as a liar, that would be one hell of a bizarre lie to come up with. Plus it sounds like Opie. Whether he did it as a joke combined with displaying some retarded form of dominance, or he just thought no one would figure out it was him, or he thought it was a normal thing to do in a men's bathroom because "everybody does it", it sure sounds like Opie.

He's a truly revolting human being

No amount of personal traits, no matter how gross could even match up to the level of on air talent that he didn't possess for so many years

He could be the long island serial killer and I would still hate him more for his lack of talent

Hey pal, doing it since he's 18

yeah it’s almost hard to believe how many layers there are to Opie’s awfulness. It even goes beyond his terrible personality plagued with mental illness and horrendous social behavior. He’s also just a disgusting human.

After learning this one though I’m now starting to lose more and more respect for Jim and Ant because they just passively dealt with this retarded slob and never called him out. Where was the line? You see a man eating boogers, snapping at staff rudely and obnoxiously burping into the mic and you can’t at least call him out on one of those things? you just quietly seeth and call him boss and let him direct your show totally unchecked? they enabled this moron for decades. I get the greggshells thing but it only becomes worse when you never find a way to deal with it.

They were getting paid a lot. To a certain degree, that excuses it.

Being a man removes that certain degree. I'm not saying they should have fist fought him over it, but what the fuck could Tits have done if they did call him out on air? Have a hissy fit?

I think that when fans think of Opie being "the boss" they're thinking that he made all the hiring and firing decisions for the company.

If opie was just unfunny, I would agree, Money. But add up all of his awfulness, especially stuff like the contract negotiations where he wouldn't sign until the minute of the deadline; that alone is fucking unacceptable. opie just being there was much more toxic/ a threat to the shows health/surviving than them saying something to him and opie getting pissy. They should have undermined him at every opportunity, to their management and the fans, and then eventually sacked his sorry ass. Fucking pussies (A&J)

I listened to a show with Burr and Jeff Ross and Opie spent the first half hour of the show explaining how he had to leave before the show because he had diarrhea. Everybody was speechless and he kept rambling about it, saying he "had to get it out of the way why he left". That's why they have commercial breaks you fucking fat titted retard

i didn’t say they never gave him shit. there were times where he got made fun of, but jim and ant joke about this other stuff now while saying they used to pretend not to notice which is passive, ding dong

Used to?? You think he doesn’t anymore? He’s got 24 hours a day and no friends. He probably looks forward to picking his nose while Lindsey and the kids are hanging out with Bam

Further evidence; During the paralyzed Opie bit, somebody said Opie's colostomy bag would be full of Cheerios and blueberries. Bob Kelly then blurted out "and boogers..." and it got a huge laugh.

This clip is great because you know that everyone is railing on Opie and he has to sit there and take it, all while pretending to laugh.

Didn't he once admit to it when they got a photo of maxwell eating his boogers?

He did. However, it was quickly swept under the rug because nobody wanted to ruin the mood, and piss off Tits just because they wanted to DO DA BIT!

...or perhaps Jim and Ant realized that they’re working in an industry where men consume their own boogers was NAAAHT FUNNY

That's absolutely fucking disgusting.

still pick my nose and eat it. but i don't let anyone see me. do it in bed or the shower.


it's good for the immune system.

Do you like em crunchy or soft?


crunchy and salty. the best get stuck to front teeth and you get to work at them for a bit like a stale fruit rollup

That does sound nice

Used to?

Remember when he offered up the information that he would piss on the toilet seat, and then wipe it with his socked foot?

He did that on film in one of his youtube videos

That is a Bobby Kelly bit from his standup

grossest shit imaginable. he references it here and here. I also like the time Chip said as Opie something like "The cunt won't even look at me", implying Opie often complained about his ignoring him.

Ugh. Second clip with Sam covering his face and shaking his head...

What a queer.

It's probably some kind of actual diagnosed disorder by now, like whatever the term is for people who pull their hair out compulsively. Henry Kissinger was known to eat boogers too, who obviously has double the IQ of Opie.

That's what I figured. Plus, toddlers eat their boogers too. So maybe adults who do it have some sort of fixture that developed at that stage, OR they do it as a subconscious way of keeping some aspect of their childhood around, like a control thing. I dunno.

Opie's retarded

I'm not surprised that a guy who cleans the toilet seat he urinated on with his own sock eats his own snot.

Hook yourself a booger and jazz it up with baby diaper mustache sauce, brothaman

What, you don't think Opie appreciates people knowing this about himself?