Yamenika responding to the Doug Stanhope incident

4  2018-02-10 by Joemomma101


I love Yams

Of course you do Bobby, & now you're the shape of one.

Yamenika is a name a racist white guy would invent trying to insult black people.

Yameneika is also a character a racist white guy would invent to insult black people.

She fucked 7 guys and they all came back for more therefore they don't regret it

What if (in hindsight) they regret coming back for more?

Exactly. It's like you were on a diet, and slipped up by eating fast food. You tell yourself never again, but fast food is just too easy to get, too hard to resist.

So maybe 7 guys thought that, yes, a mouth/cunt on your penis feels better than your hand, so 7 guys used Yamiquiquandara here as a human FleshLight.

Bob kelly is such a pussy now.

He has no balls. Plays everything safe. He's become so unfunny.

"For my, and this is really exclusive, because I haven't talked about this on my podcast..."

No one cares, lady.

Also, fuck sanctimonious Vos and Blobby - just because you're incapable of having just the right amount of drinks is no reason to shit on Doug. Stanhope did Stern, Jim & Sam, Anthony & Artie's Substitute, and other assorted shit-shows. You let me know when any of those shows give a good god-damn about your comedy.

"I was the butt of three jokes".

Oh that's terrible.

Poor "woman". She should start a hash tag. And raise awareness.

Why do they all treat women like they’re fucking special needs kids who need all types of special accommodations just to compete? If any man acted the way she did, these guys would’ve smashed the shit out of her.

I can't fucking stand VOS on the radio. He's a good standup, but his 'uh" after a line is infuriating. Bobby is so PC now

The gorilla shit isn't about racism. It's that her face looks just like a gorillas. She is a fat, ugly, race-baiting,cunt.

I think they are just giving her enough rope to hang herself

but still lack the balls to take a shot or two to let the fans know what is up

Black women are not funny,but they are UGLY.

Another cunt that thinks being a standup means making douchy speeches about society (men douche standups) or themselves (women douche standups)