Clueless Jim...

55  2018-02-10 by LeftyHyzer

2-9-2018 show:

"You know, Kim is a young leader, he's not some 60 year old. How can he not want iPhones and to be connected with all the youth?" -Jim

"He's probably got all that stuff in a room man" -Sam

"Yeah man, but like, how much of that stuff could he really have if his country is bankrupt and stuff. Ya know?" -Jim

so he can build a nuclear arsenal, produces massive propaganda films, potentially hacked a movie release of The Interview, and kills off shit loads of his people to maintain power. But can't get an iPhone? Has Jim really never once heard of an African dictator? Does he think they drive gold Mercedes Benz because there's so much wealth in Africa? This guys role was to say things on O&A that no one would, he's the human equivalent of expired milk.


The fact that Jim thinks Un is worried about iPhones right now shows an astonishing amount of ignorance towards what's going on in the world

North and South Korea are having peace talks and this nigga Norton is talking about iPhones

Sam called his mentality out, "you're just thinking about how he can't dirty text."

Then I thought a caller would set him straight, but all he added was "Kim gets chocolates and travels, maybe."

According to some reports Kim has a harem of sex slaves trained to please him, maybe that's a language Jim can understand...

Good for Sam for saying that.

The only reason I wouldn’t call Jim a compulsive addict to his face is that he gets off on being thought of as an addict.

You can tell Jimmy is bothered by his issues, whenever addiction comes up he talks about the beer he had at 13 to express that he "figured out he had a problem early and quarantined it", rather than the 12 hookers he's paid this month.

In the US, PrEP costs about $1500 per month.

So, add about $18k per year to whatever his hooker spend is.

Estimates have him worth 5 bill with money in 200 foreign banks

“That’s a tough one, man. On the one hand he has $5b and on the other hand Pyongyang probably doesn’t have an iPhone store.”

You’re buying into the propaganda. North Korea won’t ever do shit against the US

He's Opie with confidence in his wit.

Yes Jim, Kim does all these shitty things because he's angry, Santa didn't hooked him up with the latest iPhone.

Wow Jim and Sam sounds like mindless drivel at a jocktober level, how are they even bothering to dole this crappy show out every day ?

Jim a dumb nigga who be just tryna fart n get paid


if you think, NK had anything to do with hacking Sony then you are as retarded as Jim.

and ordinary North Koreans have smartphones:

when riding the subway in Pyongyang with a tour group, you mix with local people. you can see them using their phones then. you can call them actors, however that would be nonsensical.

Arirang (smartphone)

Arirang is a North Korean Android smartphone announced by Koryolink on 10 August 2013. It is named after the "Arirang" Korean folk song.

The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA), North Korea's state news agency, reported that the phone, which utilizes a touch screen and a camera with "high pixels," is produced entirely within North Korea. The phone appears to run a derivative of the Android operating system.

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... or as gay as a subreddit bot

It wasn't even a hack. The time stamps on the original files indicated a flat USB transfer rate, rather than the slower and more irregular write speed you'd expect over the Internet. The time stamps also indicated they'd been copied a day or two before a senior Sony staff member left under unhappy circumstances.

So, some guy gets fired, and rather than pull his network and building access they let him walk in, plug a USB drive into his computer and download as much dirt as he can lay his hands on. Great job, Sony.

It’s known that Kim went to school in Switzerland and had grown up mostly outside North Korea so he’s developed European tastes in food etc. The ruling elite in NK have cars, food, and consumer goods that are not available to the populace. He rules because he can keep the upper caste fed etc.

He rules because he can keep the upper caste fed etc.

How all countries work.

Nope it's not known that he went to school in Switzerland. It's speculated but it is far from certain that it was actually him. Could have been a brother of him or someone else's son high up in the NK hirachy .

My Korean friend said he has a team of people who each have particular jobs to keep him happy. They're called the happy team or something. Some of them he tasks with only giving him blow jobs so he has all of their teeth removed.

Sam called his mentality out, "you're just thinking about how he can't dirty text."

Then I thought a caller would set him straight, but all he added was "Kim gets chocolates and travels, maybe."

According to some reports Kim has a harem of sex slaves trained to please him, maybe that's a language Jim can understand...