Jim 'I'm too wormy to admit I've heard of someone controversial' Norton on Jordan Peterson: "Is he the guy, uhhh, I think I heard of him but I don't remember what I think about him." [3:30]

38  2018-02-10 by RapistWithHIV


Having a memory is too controversial.

It might upset his fiancée, and you don't want to invoke the wrath of that fella!

He acts like he doesn’t know what’s going on so other people explain and give their opinion first; This way he knows what opinion to have. When they first talked about the Louis C.K. rumors, Jim acted like he hadn’t heard anything of it. “Wait what happened? Oh I don’t know, man. I haven’t heard anything about that.” Then when the story broke and the immediate reaction by most people was disgust, Jim followed suit. He’s a disingenuous coward.

He did steal his identity from Colin so this ads up

I guess I haven't noticed that with Colin. Could you give some examples?

No hes saying that if Jim is wormy enough to steal CQ's identity, hes definitely wormy enough to pull that other shit too.

CQ did nothing.

Ahh, doh.

sounds like Mark Normand!

"Unaware Jim" is fastly overtaking Chip as Norton's most featured character. The only reason he acknowledged that he knew who Louis CK was at all was because he would get press out of it. He put himself out there as one of Louis' frequent collaborators who, "would only work with him again under the right circumstances", whatever that means.

why would he lie about hearing of someone? makes no sense.

Because Peterson was involved in tranny controversy, Norton is an ally of the trans community.

Maybe it's another thing he spends his time ignoring, so he doesn't get influenced.

Peterson is currently the target of SJW's which happens to be the market Norton is currently pandering to judging by his immediately throwing Louis CK under the bus for minuscule wokeness credibility. Acting aloof & oblivious on controversial subjects is always the safest option for a spineless pathetic faggot like Jim.

If this sounds far fetched, just remember it's the same vile worm who said "We don't want to believe we've been so wrong about someone", one of the most objectively insincere & disingenuous things he's ever said.


That's what's happening. That totally isn't a fantasy fan fiction dynamic you just made up in your own head

Do you think it could be possible that a 50 year old successful professional entertainer just doesn't spend all of his free time watching MRA and MGTOW videos and posting Pepe memes like you do? Is it possible he just genuinely hadn't heard much about Jordan Peterson

Stop trying to introduce nuance and logic into this sub.

Stop impersonating me, dude.

Hi Jim

Hahahaha you implied I'm secretly the person I'm posting in defense of, that's such a new and funny response

they’re downvotjng you because in their hearts they know you’re right.

OP actually thinks Jim Norton was intimately familiar with the work of Jordan Peterson. How fucking out of touch are these people?

Your analysis of them is correct

Which is ironic considering Jordan Peterson says that people knowingly speaking falsehood is the cause of the suffering in the world

For what it's worth I think you are probably right. I've asked my brother and several friends and none of them have heard of him.

People don't understand that just because Jordan Peterson debates show up in their recommended videos on YouTube, it doesn't mean the average person is also seeing it, and that his debates are these huge, highly discussed mainstream events

He is really, just a dumb guy.

Would love to watch Jordan Peterson unravel Jim in 10 minutes.

JP: Clean your colon!

lol @ you retards talking about the epic meme professor like he's fucking hannibal

Jimmy is Transsexual, marxist cum eater

Remember Jim's many vile but just rants on women?

I sure do.

Who the fuck is Jordan Peterson?


I guess I haven't noticed that with Colin. Could you give some examples?