What would you fellas (and gals) do if you found out you got terminal cancer?

0  2018-02-10 by Vulgardervish

I think I would do a reverse Opie's eye. Patronize jobless radio Gods.


Stock up on viagra and cocaine then get loaded and fuck till im dead

Thats already pretty much my life

Go see, Rich Vos Friday, February 23, Comedy Zone Harrisburg PA

Probably just blow all my money on prostitutes, then move back in with my parents and leech of them until I died.

I would become the hero of this sub by taking out Sam and Opie, documenting it with pics of me masturbating over their twitching corpses.


Kill sherrod

Terminal cancer? wats dat? a classy individual made out of aluminum cylinders waiting for the train or sum'n?

Blow my money on guns and drugs. Buy a boat on credit and have a huge party until the money runs out. Once the money runs out, killing spree.

Grab an AR-15, a dufflebag full of ammo, and try to finish what Hitler started.

Like to think I'd attempt to assassinate a few people who deserve it. In reality I would waste away at home alone, praying that the brain tumour kills me before it takes my sanity and mobility away.