A feminist even uglier than Amy Schumer having a meltdown over her movie. A+ read

39  2018-02-09 by Ant_Sucks


This is Lady Ant

In that she'll have plenty of nieces and nephews but no children of her own?

Well in her case no. Unless some high level human slug like Lena Dunhams ex needs to prove how woke he is by praying a load into her fat twat. In Ants case his cum has been dust for years

this is prime example of why eugenics are necessary, who gives a fuck about a movie?

She put out a little tantrum on her Instagram then deleted it, luckily someone uploaded it to youtube

Glad they could save the video


That's only the first video...here is the second, also now uploaded to youtube

Video linked by /u/gregorio_ilidivich:

Title Channel Published Duration Likes Total Views
Two Beautiful Humpback Whales Dance - Animal Attraction - BBC BBC Earth 2016-01-06 0:04:14 5,557+ (98%) 619,778

$quote Male humpback whales repeat each others songs and add to...

Info | /u/gregorio_ilidivich can delete | v2.0.0

Stop ruining the bit, stupid bot.

She brought up some good points on the second moo.

Size 8 my ass

No no no, that's on a bad day. Normally she's a size six.


That is when she is on her period

Size ATE

Size 8 the damn refrigerator empty. Woweee dassa a huge bitch!

She called Schumes fat and ugly. That's not very supportive of her.

she also called her thin and beautiful. haha these crazy cunts dont know if they are coming or going

This is the nature of women left to their own devices. Organization collapses and infighting destroys group goals.

She sounds ready to stampede

Shut up and make me a sandwich, fatso.

Two for her, one for you, bam, we're out of bread already.

Ya know what, duuuuuude.

I want to crawl into a pit and pray for nuclear armageddon

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

I can picture her scarfing down donuts in a rage while typing this all out. Her phone must be covered in powder and smears of Boston creme.

What does the idea of private capital have to do with the oppression of women.

I was desperate and getting blown by chick her size years ago for some reason took pic which found couple weeks ago. Oof, not into fatsos and dick was showing that.

Ironically this woman would be a lot happier if she stopped obsessing over other people and lost 50 pounds. Society shouldn't have to cater to lazy pieces of shit who can't be bothered to improve themselves and need to lash out at others because of how much they hate themselves.

that'd be a hilarious premise for a movie! amy reading communist manifesto and scissoring this strong-chin cow while they exchange neutral statements of how everyone is beautiful inside.

Nigga I met a fat bitch on MySpace back in the fucking day. But I didn’t know she was fat. She took photos that just showed off her gigantic breasts. Anyway she agrees to meet me in a school parking lot at like 2am. First sign of trouble. Anyway she pulls up, I get out of my car, and jump into hers and that’s when I’m like goddamn, o’ girl is big. But fuck it I’m here. So we start kissing and I’m like you wanna come back to my place and she agrees. I say ok follow me, I just need to stop at 7-11.

Well we stop at 7-11 and this bitch decides to come in with me. And stand next to me as I ask the dude for some rubbers which I’m clearly about to use on the big bitch next to me. So embarrassing especially because this is the 7-11 I frequented.

I bring this up because I remember giving her some awful dick. Like my dick knew this was a mess. I remember finishing and being like goodnight, the door is that way and she’s like “that’s it?” Yes. Bitch. That was absolutely it.

Back in tah fawkin day

There was fat bitches all over Brooklyn Joe Rogan. You couldn't step outside the door without falling into one. I remember this huuge big fat bitch. We called her milktruck Molly cause she had huge cans. I swear to god she drowned in seven black guys cum back in tah day. Shit was crazy back in tah day Joe rogan

Joey Diaz gets so old lol. What gets more old is Joe Rogan talking about Joey Diaz every podcast.

nobody asked you to prom, get over it already.

This movie legit had to become SCI-FI for it to be realistic. Only in a MAGICAL universe could she possibly feel pretty.

well she's not wrong.

Her face looks a catchers mitt, I would gladly make my fist the baseball

she is getting more likes and retweets than the Opester who has almost ten times more followers than she does.

Amy Schumer is blonde, white, able-bodied, femme and yes, thin

This deluded whale needs hitting upside the head...

This sounds like the same argument Jim Norton made years ago when they cast Gwyneth Paltrow in Shallow Hal and basically made her wear a fat suit. Except this time we are to believe this woman’s point that Any Schumer is the ideal beauty. No.

didn't they already make this dumb movie with an actual great big fat person?


Shallow Hal

Shallow Hal is a 2001 American romantic comedy film starring Gwyneth Paltrow and Jack Black about a shallow man who falls in love with an overweight woman. The motion picture was directed by the Farrelly brothers and filmed in and around Charlotte as well as Sterling and Princeton, Massachusetts at Wachusett Mountain. The supporting cast features Jason Alexander, Tony Robbins (as himself), and Laura Kightlinger.

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It's peak outrage. These people will all fade away soon enough. It's such a waste of time to even care about this. She'll die of fat related disease soon enough. She doesn't matter.

I hope there are actual large scale problems in the west again so fat pigs like this that offer nothing of value to society will starve and be culled in the streets.

I'm so thankful for Jordan Peterson. :)

Ew stop posting about this gay father figure nigger. He's a faggot and I hope he stubs a toe

Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend.

Or a peckah into denial

u may have hate in ur heart, but believe it or not, bucko, I am thnkful 4 u too! lol

"we all have something special 2 share 2 the world."

-oprah winfrey


Fatty has low self esteem, so it's capitalism's fault? That's Cumia 'blame it on the blacks' logic.

She’s not wrong, it does sound like a shit movie

I love her perspective that anyone who weighs less than her is "thin"

She's so full of corrosive hate and spite and entitlement that she'll always be uglier on the inside than she'll ever be on the outside. And she's also fat.

How’s your donkey Kong baby?

Yes the reason you're unattractive isn't because you overeat and are slothful, it Capitalism's fault! How could I have been so blind?


RIP loud fatso

Dandruff...and is that a bite taken out of the mic?

The rare euro fatty. Somehow that makes her even more disgusting.

an angry piggy with a frog on its head angirly oinking is called tweeting these days, my goodness. can she fly too? then i’ll have seen everything

"you must be fun at parties"

I quietly chuckled

Ah, go home and sew ya piss flaps together,you crazy bitch.

What's this guys problem?

Women by and large just need to chill the eff out. They’re really intent on never letting go of this dumb little moment they’re still having. Even black people kind of eventually let off the gas a little on pretending like there were friends and relatives being strung up on their front lawns.

If Amy Schumer is considered thin then America is officially a joke. We are so fat in this country, and I say this as a fat American. A good old fashioned famine might be what this country needs.

Joey Diaz gets so old lol. What gets more old is Joe Rogan talking about Joey Diaz every podcast.