Trailer for Babe Pig in the City Part 2

31  2018-02-09 by Random1200


she actually had to loose weight for this role.

Holy fuck that’s disgusting


That dislike ratio makes me feel like there is hope yet.

(((They))) adjust the likes when it becomes bad for business.

Why would someone who's a Size 6 and can get any cock she wants be cast in a movie about being fat and unattractive?

It's Shallow Hal, only a realist becomes a delusional narcissist.

This went into production a month before Snatched was released. This might the last bit of feed in the Schumer trough.

I hope she gets shot in the chest in the first few seconds and the remaining 90 minutes is just various camera angles of her bleeding out on the hot pavement.

They basically gave her the confidence of every single fat black woman in America.

She doesn’t do anything smart. That’s part of her problem and she’s got a gigantic marketing team around her trying to salvage whatever pennies she is worth left. Hopefully this will be the last.

There’s like a generic recipe for this movie that she’s using. Fat, sad, lonely - now confident and worthy of love. Shitty dance scene included. It’s pathetic and unoriginal. And I know about 10 sad, lonely l, fat women who will go see this that will laugh at her dumpy prat falls and shit humor because those people exist.

And anyone who doesn’t like it will be considered either misogynist or anti-feminist so she can defend it to the end of the earth but it will most likely be a piece of garbage.


That trailer looks like a parody that someone here created. It looks too awful to be real, but I know it is.

It doesn’t even really do a good job of making the viewer understand the premise of the movie, as stupid as it is.

As others have said, I really think this is the end of the track for Big Amy.

First she thinks shes ugly

then she hits her head and she thinks shes hot


The finale should be Dice and Michael Madsen fuck her in the street

she really let herself go. wtf, how hard is it to not eat every fucking item around you. she went from being a shit comic to a shit movie star. what type of personal issues must she have to not get a bit in shape.

to be fair this is a fat role, so to speak

Didnt even get to see the plot as I turned it off so fast. I guess if that is the case, she must have been the directors first pick as she is a fatty arbuckle.