Now they are making holograms of "Holocaust survivors" so the goyim will truly never forget

1  2018-02-09 by [deleted]



Why not a hologram of Amon Goeth?

Well, they know another cleansing is coming, because yet again they have far over reached their grasp.

Time to ramp up the jewish vicitm card again, something they are masterful at. Reminder: The jew will cry in horror every time they strike you.

Are they doing this with native americans, veterans of old wars, civil rights people or just the vicitm jew?

Enough of these people

B-b-but the 600 million bazillion

Native Americans, Veterans and (of course) Asians are not the flavor of the month.

The “they” in “are they doing this with Native Americans...” is Jews; in this case a Jewish Museum. Why would “they” do this with Native Americans, civil rights people etc? Those people have their own museums and can do their own memorializing.

Only the jews have masterfully monetized their experience to the extent it is.

I see jew museums everywhere i go in this country

Boo hoo. Go start a white trash museum.

Good one, sneaky jew.

Ha, I wish. No, I’m just not afraid, paranoid or jealous of them like you white trash MGTOW faggots and islamists are.

Not afraid, just aware.

Not white trash, but see how you are automatically programmed to to rationalize this as I am some sort of low IQ white trash ass hole instead of looking further into the issue yourself.

Am I trying to say every single Jewish person on the face of the earth is awful and terrible? No. I know plenty of good jewish people.

HOWEVER, there is a major sect of marxist, bolshevik jew that runs rampant within academia and entertainment among other places that are indeed a cancer on the earth that exploit victim status and cause harm to noble nations.

Easy fella, I didn’t scan your history, but it sounds like I touched a nerve. Are you actually an Islamist?

And what sort of logical argument could I make against what you said? That there aren’t a lot of Jewish museums? That Jews should build museums for other genocides? I’m not interested in that—I made a throwaway comment on a deleted thread simply pointing out your laughably paranoid use of “they”. Grow up, Ahmed.


I’ll assume that’s a fatwa and apologize.

Lol u good, nigga. Im just chippin ya. I found some S person squiggles and pasted them in :p

They know that we know. They're going all out and not even trying to hide it anymore. They, just like the rest of our enemies, have bitten the only hand that's feeding them and have yet again seriously underestimated us. And if these parasites weren't arrogant enough, they've brainwashed their legion of brainwashed to embrace and tolerate Muslims, who hate Jews even worse than the Goy. The cancer will be dealt with accordingly.

This subreddit is for Opie and Anthony related posts. Post holocaust threads in r/thathappened where they belong

Only the jews have masterfully monetized their experience to the extent it is.

I see jew museums everywhere i go in this country